Prototype of a Baby Incubator Physical Parameter Measurement Tool: Temperature, Humidity, Airflow and Noise Level


  • Indah Nursyamsi Handayani Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II
  • Ma'murotun Ma'murotun Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II


Kata Kunci:

Incubator analyzer, temperatur, kelembaban, kecepatan aliran udara, tingkat kebisingan


The Incubator Analyzer is equipment to measure the physical parameters contained in the baby incubator to verify the output value of the device and ensure the safety of the equipment for patient care. Currently, there are several products of baby incubator analyzer in Indonesia, but the availability of goods is still imported with relatively expensive product prices, so in this article, we report the development of a prototype baby incubator physical parameter measurement equipment to support the domestic product independence program. The method that has been carried out in this research is experimental in designing and developing a baby incubator physical parameter by maximizing the availability of components in the local market. Design of the prototype refers to SNI IEC 60601-2-19-2014 which is a standard of special requirements for basic safety and essential performance of infant incubators, with the measured parameters consisting of measurements of air temperature in the incubator room, mattress temperature, humidity, airflow, and noise level. The temperature measurement design uses a resistive temperature detector PT 100, SHT 11 as a humidity sensor, GFS131 as an airflow sensor, MAX4466 as a microphone amplifier as a sound sensor, and a 3.5” nextion TFT LCD as a display. This prototype is also equipped with a rechargeable battery system as a portable power supply. The testing is carried out by comparing the results read by a device designed with the Incu Analyzer II Fluke Biomedical. The results show that the prototype of the baby incubator parameter measuring instrument is able to read the values of temperature, humidity, airflow, and noise level in the baby incubator chamber. The accuracy of temperature parameter measurement reaches more than 98%, so this prototype has the potential to be tested by authorized institutions.


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Cara Mengutip

Handayani, I. N., & Ma’murotun, M. (2023). Prototype of a Baby Incubator Physical Parameter Measurement Tool: Temperature, Humidity, Airflow and Noise Level. JST (Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi), 12(1), 148–155.


