Weakly Orthogonally Additive Functionals on Mcshane-Bochner Integral Function Spaces Defined in Euclidean Spaces R^n


  • Riyadi Universitas Sebelas Maret


McShane-Bochner integral, Euclidean space R^n, weakly orthogonal additive functionals


The study of weakly orthogonal additive functionals has an impact on the structural properties of function space and allows further investigation into the solution of broader mathematical problems. This research aimed to investigate the properties and applications of weakly orthogonal additive functionals on the space of McShane-Bochner integrable functions defined in the Euclidean space . Research and Development (R&D) method was utilized in this study. This research began by conducting a preliminary analysis through a literature study, then testing the theory, conducting an evaluation, and drawing conclusions. After that, the developed theory was tested through Focus Group Discussion activities. This research succeeded in constructing a function space which is a collection of McShane-Bochner integral functions defined in the cell  in the Euclidean space  which fulfilled certain properties. Based on this function space, the Representation Theorem for the weakly orthogonal additive functionals defined in the newly constructed function space was then constructed.


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How to Cite

Riyadi. (2024). Weakly Orthogonally Additive Functionals on Mcshane-Bochner Integral Function Spaces Defined in Euclidean Spaces R^n. JST (Jurnal Sains Dan Teknologi), 13(1). Retrieved from https://ejournal.undiksha.ac.id/index.php/JST/article/view/80947


