
  • I Made Oka Susila .
  • I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna, S.Kom., M.S .
  • I Gede Partha Sindu, S.Pd., M.Pd. .



Bahasa Jepang merupakan salah satu bahasa yang banyak digemari dan dipelajari. Meskipun sangat digemari, banyak orang yang tetap merasa kesulitan mempelajari bahasa Jepang karena bentuk tulisannya yang rumit dan tata bahasanya sangat jauh berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia. Salah satu pengembangan media pembelajaran yang dapat membantu pemula dalam belajar bahasa Jepang adalah game edukasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan Game Edukasi Nihongo Benkyou Berbasis Android. (2) untuk mengetahui respon pengguna terhadap Game Edukasi Nihongo Benkyou Berbasis Android. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluations ). Perancangan aplikasi Game Edukasi Nihongo Benkyou Berbasis Android telah berhasil dilakukan dengan menggunakan model fungsional berupa UML (Unified Modeling Languange), yaitu dengan menggunakan use case diagram dan activity diagram. Hasil penelitian ini adalah aplikasi yang diimplementasikan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman C# dengan editor Unity. Fitur yang terdapat pada Game Edukasi Nihongo Benkyou meliputi fitur belajar dan bermain. Dalam fitur belajar terdapat materi pengenalan huruf, kosakata, serta pola percakapan sedangkan pada fitur bermain, materi yang dipelajari diujikan dalam mode permainan. Seluruh fitur yang terdapat pada Game Edukasi Nihongo Benkyou ini sudah berjalan dengan baik. Respon pengguna terhadap Game Edukasi Nihongo Benkyou masuk dalam rentangan sangat baik.
Kata Kunci : Bahasa Jepang, Game Edukasi, Nihongo Benkyou, ADDIE, Android

Japanese is one of the most favorite and popular language learned by many people in the world. Even though it is popular, many people feel that it is difficult to learn Japanese because of its complicated written text and grammar which are too much different from Indonesian. One of the educational media that can be developed to help the beginners learning Japanese is an Educational Game. This research was aimed: (1) to design and implement Nihongo Benkyou Educational Game based on Android (2) to find out the user’s respond to Nihongo Benkyou Educational Game based on Android. The method used in this study was research and development. Nihongo Benkyou Educational Game based on Android was developed by using ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluations ) model. The design of this Nihongo Benkyou Educational Game has been successfully created by using functional model named UML (Unified Modeling Language), which is by using use case and activity diagram. Meanwhile, there were two features in this Nihongo Benkyou Educational Game, they were learning and playing features. In the learning features, there were knowledge about Japanese characters introduction, as well as vocabulary and grammar. Then in playing feature, the knowledge were tested in form of game mode. The result of this study was an application which is implemented by using C# programming language with Unity editor. All the fitures contained in Nihongo Benkyou Educational Game were running well. Nihongo Benkyou Educational Game went in a very good range.
keyword : Japanese, Educational Game, Nihongo Benkyou, ADDIE, Android




