Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kepegawaian Undiksha Berbasis Web


  • I Gede Sastra Kurniawan Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
  • Made Made Windu Antara Kesiman Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
  • I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha



Employee is an important element in
organization due to its role in determining the future of
organization. In organizations, there are specialized departments
to deal with staff-related issues which is called Human resource
department.. The duty of HRD is to manage or regulate
employment activities and record staff-related data in the
organization. A well operating organization can be distinguished
by its well managed employee administration. And the use of
technology can improve employee administration system. With the
use of technology, effectiveness of various aspects in managing
administrative information which are indicated by the speed,
accuracy, processing time, and correctness of information
(validity), can be improved. Implementation of this research was
developed based on waterfall methods and using php as
programming language with mysql as its database. This software
has the ability to record personal information and biography of
lecturers and employees in Undiksha. Moreover, this software also
capable of handling Decreetal information of certain comitee
including its related person in charges. this software can also be
used to create data regarding credit score for lecturers’ promotion.
This software is expected to assist the performance of employees
and lecturers in organizing activities within Ganesha University of





