Film Dokumenter Tok Lait Kancing: Sebuah Warisan Karakter Budaya Bangsa


  • I Putu Aditya Narayana .
  • Gede Saindra Santyadiputra, S.T., M.Cs .
  • Gede Aditra Pradnyana, S.Kom., M.Kom .



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menghasilkan rancangan dan mengimplementasikan hasil rancangan film dokumenter Tok Lait Kancing (sebuah warisan karakter budaya bangsa). (2) mengetahui respon kalangan masyarakat terhadap hasil film dokumenter Tok Lait Kancing (sebuah warisan karakter budaya bangsa). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan model ciclyc strategy. Model ciclyc strategy terdiri dari tahap brief (riset awal dan penawaran ide), tahap 1 (pengumpulan data dan analisis kebutuhan film), tahap 2 (pra-produksi), evaluasi peneliti, tahap 3 (produksi dan pasca produksi), evaluasi uji ahli (ahli media dan ahli isi), tahap 4 (burning, desain poster, dan desain DVD), outcome (publikasi film) dan uji respon penonton. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa film dokumenter Tok Lait Kancing (sebuah warisan karakter budaya bangsa) dalam kriteria sangat baik. Simpulan yang didapatkan yaitu perancangan film dokumenter Tok Lait Kancing telah berhasil dilaksanakan dengan model cyclic strategy dengan menggunakan tahapan produksi film. Film dokumenter Tok Lait Kancing sudah berhasil masuk dalam kategori sangat baik sesuai dengan hasil uji ahli isi dan media. Serta berdasarkan analisis terhadap 30 orang responden yang berasal dari kalangan masyarakat umum dinyatakan bahwa film dokumenter ini mendapatkan total presentase sebesar 94,33% yang masuk kategori sangat baik.
Kata Kunci : Tok Lait Kancing, Permainan Tradisional, Film Dokumenter, Cyclic Strategy.

This research aims to (1) create a design and implement the design result of documentary film of Tok Lait Kancing (the nation’s cultural heritage character). (2) to know about the responds of the society toward the documentary film of Tok Lait Kancing (the nation’s cultural heritage character). The research method that is used in this study was research and development with cyclic strategy model. Cyclic strategy model consist of brief step (early research and idea proposal), step 1 (data collection and film needs analysis), step 2 (pre-production), researcher evaluation, step 3 (production and post-production), expert evaluation (media expert and content expert), step 4 (burning, poster design, and DVD design), outcome (film publication) and test of audience respond. The result of this research shows that the documentary film of Tok Lait Kancing (the nation’s cultural heritage character) is in very good criteria. The conclusion gained is that the design of documentary film Tok Lait Kancing has successfully done by using cyclic strategy model with film production steps. Documentary film of Tok Lait Kancing has successfully counted into very good criteria in accordance with the result of expert of content and media test. And also, based on the analysis of 30 respondents that are come from the society, it is shows that this documentary film gained 94,33% in total that is counted as very good category.
keyword : Tok Lait Kancing, Traditional Games, Documentary Film, Cyclic Strategy.




