
  • I Made Dwi Indrasanjaya .
  • I Made Agus Wirawan, S.Kom, M.Cs .
  • I Ketut Resika Arthana, S.T., M.Kom .



DIL (Dynamic Intellectual Learning) merupakan sebuah prototype pembelajaran online sebagai sebuah perubahan E-learning menuju adaptive learning. Tahapan penelitian dimulai dari analisis masalah yaitu penyebaran survey. Hasil survey berupa angket yang peneliti sebarkan ke mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Informatika menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa setuju dengan pembelajaran menggunakan media dibandingkan pembelajaran konvensional. Kemudian tahapan penelitian dilanjutkan dengan mendesain sistem, mengembangkan coding sistem, mengimplementasi sistem, dan mengevaluasi sistem dengan uji blackbox, uji whitebox, uji ahli media, dan uji respon pengguna. Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Berbasis Android adalah solusi dari permasalahan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang dan mengimplementasikan “Aplikasi Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Berbasis Android”. Pengembangan aplikasi Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Berbasis Android menggunakan siklus hidup pengembangan perangkat lunak ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluations). Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan adalah Java, dengan software pengembangan Eclipse. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu perancangan dan implementasi “Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Berbasis Android” dan uji blackbox, uji whitebox, uji ahli media, uji respon pengguna yaitu dari mahasiswa telah berhasil dilakukan. Seluruh kebutuhan fungsional telah berhasil diimplementasikan sesuai dengan rancangan.
Kata Kunci : DIL, Android, E-Learning, Eclipse, Respon

DIL (Dynamic Intellectual Learning) is a prototype of online learning as a change E-learning to adaptive learning. Stages of research starting from the analysis of the problem, namely the spread of the survey. The results of a questionnaire survey that researchers disclose to students of Informatic Technic of Education showed that most students agree with the learning using media than conventional learning. Later stages of the research continued with designing a system, developing a coding system, implement the system, and evaluate the system with blackbox testing, whitebox testing, media expert test, and user response test. Development of Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Android Based Application is the solution to these problems. The purpose of this research is to design and implement "Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Android Based Application". Development of Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Android Based application use the software development life cycle ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluations). The programming language used is Java, with Eclipse as software development. The results of this analysis is design and implementation of “Mobile Dynamic Intellectual Learning Android Based Application" and blackbox testing, whitebox testing, media expert test, and user response test. of the user, is students have been successfully performed. The entire functional requirements have been successfully implemented in accordance with the design.
keyword : DIL, Android, E-Learning, Eclipse, Response




