Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) kinerja keuangan badan usaha milik desa dalam proses penyaluran kredit Desa Tajun tahun 2011-2015, (2) masalah-masalah yang dialami dalam penyaluran kredit pada BUMDes Desa Tajun, (3) solusi yang diberikan agar kredit berjalan dengan efektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis data kuantitatif. Data kuantitatif yaitu penelitian yang menggunakan angka-angka dari laporan keuangan sebagai sumber data seperti neraca, laporan laba/rugi, dan laporan kegiatan BUMDes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) kinerja keuangan badan usaha milik desa dalam proses penyaluran kredit Desa Tajun tahun 2011 sampai tahun 2015 belum efektif. Berdasarkan analisis ratio yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa dari persentase nilai loan to deposit ratio adalah tidak efektif, asset to loan ratio adalah tidak efektif, interest margin on loan ratio adalah sangat efektif, rate of return on loan ratio adalah tidak efektif, capital ratio adalah tidak efektif dan credit risk ratio adalah sangat efektif, (2) permasalahan yang dihadapi BUMDes Desa Tajun dalam penyaluran kredit adalah (a) wilayah yang terbatas, (b) persaingan dengan lembaga keuangan lainnya, (c) kemampuan nasabah dalam membayar kredit, (3) solusi yang diberikan agar penyaluran kredit efektif yaitu (a) memberikan nasabah desa lain mencari kredit dengan jaminan yang sesuai, (b) menyederhanakan proses penyaluran kredit, (c) memberikan kelonggaran di dalam pembayaran pokok maupun bunga kredit.Kata Kunci : Kinerja Keuangan, Badan Usaha Milik Desa, Kredit
This study aimed at determining (1) the financial performance of the village-owned enterprise in the credit distribution process of Tajun Village in 2011-2015, (2) problems experienced in the credit distribution by the village-owned enterprise of Desa Tajun, (3) solutions provided for credit to run effectively. This research employed quantitative data type. Quantitative data is a research that employs numbers from financial reports as data sources, such as balance sheet, profit/loss report, and reports of the village-owned enterprise’ activities. The results showed (1) the financial performance of the village-owned enterprise in the process of credit distribution in Tajun Village in 2011 until 2015 had not been effective. Based on the performed ratio analysis, it was found that from the percentage value of the loan to deposit ratio is ineffective, the asset to loan ratio is ineffective, the interest margin on loan ratio was very effective, the rate of return on loan ratio was ineffective, the capital ratio was ineffective, and the credit risk ratio was very effective, (2) the problems faced by the village-owned enterprise of Tajun Village in credit distribution were (a) the limitation of territory, (b) the competition with other financial institutions, (c) the ability of credit’s recipients in paying their credit, (3) The solutions proposed for effective credit’s distributions were (a) to allow customers from other villages to apply for credit with appropriate collateral, (b) to simplify the process of credit distribution, (c) to provide leeway in the principal and interest payments.
keyword : Financial Performance, Village-Owned Enterprise, Credit