Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui (1) Untuk mengetahui Transparasi pengelolaan dana krama tamiu di Desa Pakraman Bangkang, (2) dampak yang diperoleh penduduk pendatang dari adanya pungutan dana krama tamiu, dan (3) kendala yang dihadapi dalam implementasi prinsip transparansi dalam pengelolaan pungutan dana krama tamiu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder.Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumentasi yang selanjutnya dianalisis dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, analisis data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, (1) Desa Pakraman Bangkang dalam pengelolaan pungutan dana krama tamiu sudah transparan karena adanya keterbukaan oleh pengurus desa dan kesedian informasi dan dokumen, (2) Dalam mengimplementasikan prinsip transparansi mengalami banyak kendala yaitu masalah sumber daya manusia, tingkat partisipasi masyarakat yang kurang dan kurangnya kerjasama antara pengurus desa dengan krama tamiu. (3) Dampak yang diperoleh dari adanya pungutan dana krama tamiu adalah mendapat pertolongan bila terjadi musibah, mendapat pengawasan dan perlindungan keamanan, dan berhak menggunakan fasiitas banjar Adat/Desa Pakraman.Kata Kunci : transparansi, pungutan dana krama tamiu
This study was conducted to examine (1) the transparency of the management of the money collected from the non-native community members at Bangkang customary village, (2) the impact of the money collected from the non-native community members for themselves, (3) the obstacles faced in the implementation of the principle of transparency in the management of the money collected from the non-native community members. This study applied qualitative method. The data used in this study were primary and secondary data. The data were obtained through in-depth interview, observation and documentation study. The collected data were analyzed through three stages; the stage in which the data were reduced; the stage in which the data were presented; and the stage in which conclusions were drawn. The results of the analysis showed that (1) the management of the money collected from the non-native community members at Bangkang customary village was already transparent as there were already opennesss from the village officials and availability of information and documents, (2) in implementing the principal of transparency, the obstacles faced were issues in human resources, low level of participation from the community, and lack of cooperation between the village officials and the non-native community members, (3) the impacts of the money collection obtained by the non-native community members were assistence when there were disasters, supervision and security protection, and rights to use the fasilities owned by the traditional/customary village.
keyword : transparency, money collected from non-native community members