Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengukuran kinerja pada LPD Desa Pakraman Depeha menggunakan metode Performance Prism. Pemilihan metode didasarkan atas keunggulan metode Performance Prism dan konsep pengelolaan LPD Desa Pakraman Depeha, yaitu Catur Purusa Artha. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, kuesioner, dan studi dokumentasi. Pemilihan sampel disesuaikan dengan karakteristik masing-masing stakeholder yang berbeda. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis data kualitatif, yaitu wawancara untuk menganalisis stakeholder dan key performance indicator (KPI), dan penggunaan teknik kuantitatif Analytical Hierarchy Process untuk menentukan bobot, Objective Matrix untuk memberi skor, dan Traffic Light System untuk mengelompokkan dalam warna. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa stakeholder kunci LPD Desa Pakraman Depeha adalah pelanggan, karyawan, serta pemerintah desa dan masyarakat sekitar. Sistem pengukuran kinerja memuat 21 KPI, yang terdiri dari 6 KPI Pelanggan, 9 KPI Karyawan, dan 6 KPI Pemerintah Desa dan Masyarakat Sekitar. Implementasi sistem pengukuran kinerja kemudian diberikan skor dengan metode Objective Matrix sehingga menunjukkan bahwa nilai current performance indicator LPD Desa Pakraman Depeha adalah 7,955. Berdasarkan Traffic Light System dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat delapan KPI berkategori Kuning. Hal ini berarti kinerja LPD Desa Pakraman Depeha sudah mendekati target yang ditetapkan namun belum mampu mencapainya.Kata Kunci : performance prism, analytical hierarchy process, objective matrix, traffic light system
The study was conducted in order to find out the evaluation of the performance effectivity of the Rural Credit Institution in Depeha village based on Prism Performance method. The choice of the method was made based on the excellence of the Prism Performance method and the concept of Rural Credit Instituion management in Depeha village, that was Catur Purusa Artha. The study utilized a descriptive design with qualitative as well as quantitative approaches. The data were collected by using questionnaires, interview, observation and documentation. The selectetion of the samples was made in appropriate with the different stakeholder’s characteristics. Data analysis was conducted based on the analysis of qualitative technique, that was interview used to analyze Stakeholders and Key Performance Indicator (KPI), and the use of quantitative technique in the Analytical Hierarchy Process to determine the weight, Objective Matrix to give scores (scoring), and Traffic Light System to group in terms of colours. The results of the study indicated that stakeholder was the key point of the Rural Credit Instituion in Depeha local village, which consisted of the customers, employees, and local village government, as well as villagers surrounding it. Theperformance measurement system involved 21 KPIs, consisted of 6 customer’s KPI, 9 employee’s KPI, and 6 Local village government and the surrounding villagers’s KPI. The implementation of the Performance Measurement System was conducted by giving scores by using Objective Matrix method to achieve the scores of current performance indicator of the Rural Credit Instituion in Depeha village was about 7.955. Based on the Traffic Light System there were eight KPIs got yellow category. It means performance effectivity of the Rural Credit Institution in Depeha village was approached to the target but not reach the target yet.
keyword : performance prism, analytical hierarchy process, objective matrix, traffic light system