Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persepsi mahasiswa akuntansi terkait penerapan UU Akuntan Publik No 5 Tahun 2011 terhadap motivasi, optimism, dan perencanaan karir mahasiswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Populasi penelitian ini yakni Mahasiswa jurusan akuntansi program S1 Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini yakni mahasiswa akuntansi dengan kriteria yaitu masih aktif menjadi mahasiswa dan sudah mendapatkan mata kuliah Akuntasi Sektor publik, Seminar Akuntansi Sektor Publik, Auditing 1 dan Auditing 2 sehingga jumlah mahasiswa akuntansi yang sesuai dengan kriteria di atas berjumlah 139 responden. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana dan diolah dengan menggunakan bantuan software SPSS versi 19. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penjelasan pasal 6 ayat 1 huruf a UU Akuntan Publik No 5 Tahun 2011 yang berbunyi “..Yang dapat mengikuti pendidikan profesi akuntan publik adalah seseorang yang memiliki pendidikan minimal sarjana strata 1 (S-1), diploma IV (D-IV), atau yang setara” berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi, optimisme serta perencanaan karir mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa regulasi akuntan publik berpengaruh terhadap motivasi mahasiswa sebesar 10,6%, optimisme sebesar 4,8% dan menjelaskan variabel perencanaan karir sebesar 14,5%. Jadi, dengan adanya penerapan UU No 5 Tahun 2011 mahasiswa akuntansi tetap memiliki motivasi, optimisme dan tetap memiliki perencanaan karir sebagai akuntan publik, walaupun nantinya mahasiswa akuntansi harus bersaing dengan jurusan non-akuntansi untuk menjadi seorang Akuntan Publik.Kata Kunci : Motivasi, Optimisme, Perencanaan Karir, UU Akuntan Publik
This study aimed to determine the effect of the accounting students perceptions related to the implementation of the Public Accounting Act No. 5 2011, on motivation, optimism, and career planning. This research was conducted at the Ganesha University of Education. The students population in this study was majoring in accounting for bachelor degre at the Ganesha University of Education, meanwhile the sample in this study were accounting students with criteria that was still active as a student and have studied of accounting for public sector courses, Seminars Public Sector Accounting, Auditing 1 and 2, so that the number of accounting students who fit these criteria above totals 139 respondents . Data was analyzed by using simple regression analysis and processed by using SPSS statistical software version 19 . The results of this study indicate that the explanation of Article 6, paragraph 1, letter of a Public Accounting Act No. 5 of 2011, which reads " .. who can participate in education of a the public accounting profession is someone who has a minimum of a Bachelor of Education 1 (S-1) , Diploma IV (D-IV) , or the equivalent " has positive effect for students motivation , optimism and student career planning. These results explain that the regulation of public accountants effect on student motivation by 10.6 % , optimism by 4.8% and career planning by 14.5%. So, with the implementation of Law No. 5 of 2011 accounting students stay motivated , optimistic and still have a career plan as a public accountant, although accounting students will have to compete with students who have not majored in accounting, to become a Public Accountant . accounting students who fit the criteria above totalis 139 respondents . Data was analyzed using simple regression analysis and processed using SPSS statistical software version 19 . The results of this study indicate that the explanation of Article 6, paragraph 1, letter of a Public Accounting Act No. 5 of 2011, which reads " .. who can participate in education of a the public accounting profession is someone who has a minimum of a Bachelor of Education 1 (S-1) , Diploma IV (D-IV) , or the equivalent " positive effect for students motivation , optimism and student career planning. These results explained that the regulation of public accountants effect on student motivation by 10.6 % , optimism by 4.8% and career planning by 14.5%. So, with the implementation of Law No. 5 of 2011 accounting students stay motivated , optimistic and still have a career plan as a public accountant, although accounting students will have to compete with students who have not majored in accounting, to become a Public Accountant .
keyword : Motivation, Optimism, Career Planning, Public Accounting Act,