PENGARUH TARIF PAJAK DAN KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM (Studi kasus pada PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk periode 2001-2014)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) pengaruh tarif pajak dan kebijakan dividen terhadap harga saham, (2) pengaruh tarif pajak terhadap harga saham, (3) pengaruh kebijakan dividen terhadap harga saham, dan (4) pengaruh tarif pajak terhadap kebijakan dividen. (studi kasus pada PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk periode 2001-2014). Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif kausal. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah laporan keuangan tahunan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk periode 2001-2014 berjumlah 14. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis), analisis jalur digunakan untuk mengukur besarnya kontribusi atau pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat, baik pengaruh secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui hubungan dengan variabel bebas lainnya. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui website Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) tarif pajak dan kebijakan dividen berpengaruh terhadap harga saham sebesar 76,8%, (2) tarif pajak berpengaruh positif terhadap harga saham sebesar 32,6%, (3) kebijakan dividen berpengaruh positif terhadap harga saham sebesar 17,5%, dan (4) tarif pajak berpengaruh positif terhadap kebijakan dividen sebesar 31,3%.Kata Kunci : Tarif Pajak, Kebijakan Dividen, Harga Saham
The study aimed at finding out: (1) the effect of tax rate and dividend policy on the stock price, (2) the effect of tax rate on the stock price, (3) the effect of dividend policy on the stock price, and (4) the effect of tax rate on the dividend policy. (a case study at the PT. Telecommunication Indonesian office, Tbk. during the period 2001-2014). This study utilized a causal quantitative design involving fourteen (14) samples such as annual financial report of PT. Telecommunication Indonesian office, Tbk during the period of 2001-2014. The samples were selected by using purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed by using path analysis in order to measure the extent of the contribution or the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable, both direct or indirect contribution in relation to the other independent variables. The data were obtained from the secondary sources, such website of The results indicated that (1) the tax rate and dividend policy had an effect on the stock price for about 76,8%, (2) the tax rate had a positive effect on the stock price for about 32,6%, (3) the dividend policy had a positive effect on the stock price for about 17,5%, and (4) the tax rate had a positive effect on the dividend policy for about 31,3%.
keyword : tax rate, dividend policy, and stock price