Pengukuran Kinerja Menggunakan Metode Performance Prims (Studi Kasus Hotel Aneka Lovina)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja Hotel Aneka Lovina yang diukur dengan metode Performance Prism. Pengukuran kinerja dengan metode Performance Prism ini terdiri dari lima perspektif, yaitu stakeholder satisfaction (kepuasan stakeholder), stakeholder contribution (kontribusi stakeholder), strategy (strategi), process (proses), dan capability (kapabilitas).Selain itu, dalam metode performance prism lebih mengedepankankepuasan stakeholder, dimana kinerja hotel Aneka Lovina sangat dipengaruhi oleh kepuasanstakeholder. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupawawancara, performance measurement sheet, dan dokumentasi.Informan dalam penelitianini dipilih secara purposive.Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu teknik analisisdata kualitatif, yaitu wawancara untuk menganalisis stakeholder dan perspektif dalamperformance prism, dan model kuantitatif TEV untuk menganalisis performancemeasurement sheet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kinerja hotel Aneka Lovina 3.800 adalah sebesar 3, dalam skala likert 5 nilai kinerja ini dikategorikan baik. Dari 25 key performanceindicator yang berhasil diidentifikasi terdapat 16 key performance indicator yangdikategorikan sangat baik, 1 key performance indicator dikategorikan baik, 3 keyperformance indicator yang dikategorikan cukup, 1 key performance indicator yangdikategorikan kurang, dan 4 key performance indicator yang dikategorikan sangat kurang.Kata Kunci : pengukuran kinerja, performance prims, key performance indicator,model kuantitatif TEV, performance measurement sheet
This study aimed at investigating the performance of Aneka Lovina Hotel measured using the Performance Prism Method. Performance measurement using the Performance Prism consisted of five perspectives, namely stakeholders’ satisfaction, stakeholders’ contribution, strategy, process, and capability. In addition, in the Performance Prism method, stakeholders’ satisfaction was given priority as the performance of Aneka Lovina Hotel was highly influenced by stakeholders’ satisfaction. This study was a descriptive study. The techniques of collecting data applied were interview, performance measurement sheet and documentation. Informants were selected purposively. The technique of analysing data applied was qualitative data analysis, that was interview to analyze the stake holders and the perspectives in the performance prism and TEV Quantitaive method to analyze the performance measurement sheet. The results of the analysis showed that the score of the performance of Aneka Lovina Hotel 3.800 was 3 out of 5 in Likert scale. This score was categorized as good. Out of 25 key performance indicators identified, 16 of them were categorized as very good, 1 of them was categorized as good, 3 were categorized adequate, 1 was categorized as poor, and 4 of them were categorized as very poor.
keyword : performance measurement, performance prims, key performance indicator, TEV quantitative model, performance measurement sheet