Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Dosen pada ITB Stikom Bali Menggunakan Metode PIECES (Performance Information Economics Control Efficiency and Service)


  • Wayan Bandem Wahyu Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
  • I Made Candiasa Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
  • Sariyasa Sariyasa Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha




Lecturer Information Systems, PIECES, Performance, Information, Economics, Control, Efficiency, Service, System Information.


ITB STIKOM BALI is an educational institution that uses a lecturer information system to help work.  However, there are still some obstacles regarding how effective the lecturers' satisfaction is in using the Lecturer Information System.  This research is focused on the analysis of the effectiveness of satisfaction using the Lecturer Information System as measured by the PIECES variables.  The population of this study includes all active lecturers who use the lecturer information system as many as 155 people. The samples were determined by applying the SRS (Simple Random Sampling) technique using tables developed by Isaac and Michael.  Of the 155 populations based on the 10% significance calculation selected to get a total of 99 samples, data collection was carried out by giving a questionnaire to all samples and there were as many as 93 people that returned it.  The technique used to evaluate the Lecturer Information System is the PIECES method which focuses on 6 variables; Performance, Information, Economic, Control, Efficiency, and Service.  This technique is more suitable to use and can focus on measuring the accuracy of each variable.  To measure the level of user satisfaction from each variable, the questionnaire had 17 statements using a Likert scale to determine the value of the user's opinion on the system.  The results of the analysis were obtained from the calculation of the questionnaire value of all respondents using the satisfaction calculation formula developed by Kaplan and Norton.  From the reference criteria for the assessment of satisfaction, the results of the analysis show that the average value is 3.4 - 4.91, which means that users are satisfied using the Lecturer Information System with details of the scores on the variables Performance 4.19, Information 4.16, Economic 4.26, Control 3.85, Efficiency 4.23, and Service 4.21.  It can be concluded that the use of Lecturer Information Systems statistically shows that it is quite effective.  After getting the results of the value of each variable, a summary of recommendations will be given based on the smallest value in the sub-variables in each variable that received dissatisfied and very dissatisfied responses from the average questionnaire value.


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How to Cite

Wahyu, W. B., Candiasa, I. M., & Sariyasa, S. (2021). Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Dosen pada ITB Stikom Bali Menggunakan Metode PIECES (Performance Information Economics Control Efficiency and Service). Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika : JANAPATI, 10(3), 123–136. https://doi.org/10.23887/janapati.v10i3.34973


