Performance Comparison of Supervised Learning Using Non-Neural Network and Neural Network




Multi-Layer Perceptron Classifier, Non Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Artificial Neural Network


Currently, the development of mobile phones and mobile applications based on the Android operating system is increasing rapidly. Many new companies and startups are digitally transforming by using mobile apps to provide disruptive digital services to replace existing old-fashioned services. This transformation prompted attackers to create malicious software (malware) using sophisticated methods to target victims of Android phone users. The purpose of this study is to identify Android APK files by classifying them using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Non-Neural Network (NNN). ANN is a Multi-Layer Perceptron Classifier (MLPC), while NNN is a method of KNN, SVM, Decision Tree. This study aims to make a comparison between the performance of the Non-Neural Network and the Neural Network. Problems that occur when classifying using the Non-Neural Network algorithm have problems with decreasing performance, where performance is often decreased if done with a larger dataset. Answering the problem of decreasing model performance, the solution is used with the Artificial Neural Network algorithm. The Artificial Neural Network Algorithm selected is Multi_layer Perceptron Classifier (MLPC). Using the Non-Neural Network algorithm, K-Nearest Neighbor conducts training with the 600 APK dataset achieving 91.2% accuracy and training using the 14170 APK dataset decreases its accuracy to 88%. The use of the Support Vector Machine algorithm with the 600 APK dataset has 99.1% accuracy and the 14170 APK dataset has decreased accuracy to 90.5%. The use of the Decision Tree algorithm to conduct training with a dataset of 600 APKs has an accuracy of 99.2% and training with a dataset of 14170 APKs has decreased accuracy to 90.8%. Experiments using the Multi-Layer Perceptron Classifier have increased accuracy performance with the 600 APK dataset achieving 99% accuracy and training using the 14170 APK dataset increasing the accuracy reaching 100%.


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How to Cite

Hindarto, D., & Santoso, H. (2022). Performance Comparison of Supervised Learning Using Non-Neural Network and Neural Network. Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika : JANAPATI, 11(1), 49–62.


