Hole Detection in Plastic Mulch Using Template Matching and Machine Learning Algorithms


  • Abdul Aziz IPB University
  • Yandra Arkeman IPB University
  • Wisnu Ananta Kusuma IPB University
  • Farohaji Kurniawan National Research and Innovation Agency




Detection, Mulch, Template Matching, Machine Learning


Mulch is a ground cover material to maintain soil moisture and temperature stability as a plant medium. Mulch also helps prevent weed growth for better plant growth. For planting with plastic mulch, farmers need to make holes in the mulch the day before planting. Precision agriculture is needed because it can obtain savings in input financing, labor, and better yields, so this research aims to identify holes in mulch based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle images. The advantage of this research is that it can monitor each plant based on the mulch holes, and the number of holes identified can be used as a parameter to estimate the amount of crop production. This research combines Template Matching Algorithm and Machine Learning Algorithm to improve accuracy in predicting holes in mulch. Three machine learning algorithms are used, namely the Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and XGBoost. The data used is an orthophoto mosaic from aerial photographs. Nine areas were taken from orthophotos to be used as research samples. The results of this study obtained the highest average recall, precision, and f-measure values using the Support Vector Machine algorithm with a recall value of 87.7%, precision of 97.5%, and f-score of 92.3%. This research focuses on reducing detected commission errors. Therefore, omission errors were still detected in the damaged or leaf-covered holes.


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How to Cite

Aziz, A., Arkeman, Y., Kusuma, W. A., & Kurniawan, F. (2023). Hole Detection in Plastic Mulch Using Template Matching and Machine Learning Algorithms. Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika : JANAPATI, 12(2), 184–195. https://doi.org/10.23887/janapati.v12i2.60628


