Mobile Applications for Self-Handle of Pornography Addiction
Addiction, Mobile-app, PornographyAbstract
Content with pornographic nuances in the form of images, sound, and videos is widely circulating on the internet, including on social media. Teenagers have great potential to become addicted to pornographic content given the widespread use of the internet among adolescents. Pornography addiction has the potential to interfere with the physical and mental development of addicts, even a wider impact can lead to criminal cases in society, such as rape. This paper discusses the development of mobile applications that aim to help pornographic content addicts get rid of pornography addiction problems. The applications developed include a system for assessing the level of exposure to pornographic content, handling and self-care of pornographic content, and a system for detecting the user's location in solitude. The rating system was adapted from the Pornography Addiction Screening Tool (PAST). Handling and self-care pornographic content use the psychological approach of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) which has been widely researched and used as a method for mental treatment and healing. An assessment system for the level of exposure to pornographic content and self-care is presented in the application by utilizing chatbot to increase the interactive between the user and the application. The research method uses the Design Research Methodology (DRM) while the method in developing mobile applications uses Agile models as an adaptive software development method. This application is not intended to replace the role of psychologists, but as a supporting tool that can help pornography addicts to reduce their addiction level until they recover. Through black box testing, evaluation results from a functional perspective show that this application can be used as expected.
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