The Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning During the Product Design Process Through the Process of Design Thinking


  • I Gusti Bagus Budi Dharma Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • I Gusti Bagus Baskara Nugraha Institut Teknologi Bandung



Enterprise Resource Planning , Product Design Process , Design Thinking


The implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in the product design phase plays a crucial role in modern industries. The product design phase with the design thinking approach produces an innovative product that meets user requirements. The product design process, which begins with capturing user requirements and culminating in a thorough specification of a finished product, requires extensive data and expertise. Iterative product design processes contribute to the complexity of the data that must be managed within an organization. This study involved the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software named Odoo within the product design process using a design thinking methodology. By examining the student practicum activities in automotive design, starting from the user survey phase and going all the way to the component design details, a comprehensive ERP system was developed. This system is capable of seamlessly integrating all the data throughout the entire process. Based on the outcomes of testing and assessment, it can be concluded that the modules in Odoo software can be effectively integrated into the product design process. Effective processes in integrating ERP into product design phases can improve production quality and efficiency as well as facilitate greater flexibility and innovation. Implementing ERP throughout the product design phase results in a seamless flow of information, enhanced inventory control, and overall productivity enhancement. This ultimately leads to operational efficiency, competitive advantage, and high user satisfaction in the industry.


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How to Cite

Budi Dharma, I. G. B., & I Gusti Bagus Baskara Nugraha. (2024). The Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning During the Product Design Process Through the Process of Design Thinking . Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika : JANAPATI, 13(3), 460–470.


