Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan Formal dan Pengalaman Kerja Terhadap Kompensasi Pegawai Pada kantor Camat Mendoyo
causal quantitative, compensation, formal education level, work experienceAbstract
This study aimed to examine the effects of (1) the level of formal education on work experience, (2) the level of formal education on employee compensation, (3) work experience on employee compensation, (4) the mediating role of work experience on the inflence of the level of formal education on employee compensation. This research was a causal quantitative study in wich data were analyzed using path analysis. The subjects in this study were all employees of the Kantor Camat Mendoyo. The objects of this study were the level of formal education, work experience, andcompensation. The population of this study were30 employees as respondents. The results obtained in this study indicate that the level of formal education has a positive and significant effect on work experience; the level of formal education has a positive and significant effect on compensation; work experience has a positive and significant effect on compensation and work experience mediates the effect of the level of formal education on compensation.
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