Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada CV Winih Adi
Kata Kunci:
compensation, employee performance, work motivationAbstrak
This study aims to obtain tested findings about the effect of repayment and work motivation on employee performance, the effect of compensation on work motivation, the effect of repayment on overall employee performance, the effect of work motivation on employee performance. The research layout used in this research is causal quantitative. The topic of this discussion is all employees at CV Winih Adi and the objects reviewed are cost kompensasi, work motivation and employee performance. This research was conducted on 45 personnel of CV Winih Adi. The series of information is completed with comments, questionnaires, and interviews which are then analyzed using course analysis. The consequences show it. Repayment and work motivation have a major effect on the overall performance of workers at CV Winih Adi, repayment has a tremendous effect on motivation to paint at CV Winih Adi, compensation has a good effect on employee performance at CV Winih Adi, motivation for painting work has a tremendous effect. the usual. impact on employees. performance at CV Winih Adi.
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