X Faktor Dari Kesuksesan Kewirausahaan Rintisan Yang Berbasiskan Teknologi
Kata Kunci:
startup entrepreneurship, innovation, ideaAbstrak
Changes that occur in the global economy are a challenge for entrepreneurs in running their entrepreneurial businesses, therefore there are various influencing factors such as innovation, work experience, ideas, education and partnerships that are learned will have an impact on business success. This journal examines the factors that have an important influence in implementing factors in business so that they can achieve success. Design Thinking is an approach taken to support factor-based data analysis collected by interview method. The results obtained from this study indicate that the combination of education, partnership, work experience and innovation factors is a factor that can increase success in entrepreneurship, especially for start-up entrepreneurs. The findings are interpreted and linked to research questions to answer the critical factors of technology-based entrepreneurship that can be successful in Indonesia.
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