Penyerahan Naskah

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Daftar Tilik Penyerahan Naskah

Penulis yang ingin memasukkan naskah harus memperhatikan poin-poin di bawah ini. Jika naskah tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan yang telah dicantumkan, ada kemungkinan naskah tersebut akan dikembalikan.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text The introduction is written using the letters TNR, size 12 and spaced 1 and fist line 1 cm. Text is typed in a print area with margins from top, bottom, left, right made 2.5 cm. Paper size A4, 8.27 inch wide, 11.69 inch high. Layout: 0.5 inch header, 0.5 inch footer. Text does not need page numbers. Download (Template Indonesia), (Template English)
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Panduan Penulis

General Author Guidelines

All manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Following the general author guidelines of article for IJACR:

  1. Use the International Journal of Applied Chemistry Research (IJACR) guide as template. The official languages of the manuscript to be published in IJACR are Bahasa Indonesia and English.
  • Articles should be clear, precise, and logical. They should not normally exceed 4,000 words (10 – 12 pages).
  • Ensure that each new paragraph is clearly indicated. Present tables and figure legends on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. Tables and figures are presented center.
  • Number all pages consecutively. Manuscripts should also be spellchecked by the facility available in most good word-processing packages
  • Extensive use of italics and emboldening within the text should be avoided
  1. The title of manuscript should be specific, comprehensive, and represent the entire content of the article
  2. The Author(s) may be more one author with full name (no abbreviation) and affiliation. The manuscript has the one author should be designated as corresponding author and provide the following information: e-mail address, full postal address, telephone, and fax numbers.
  3. The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, provide a clear statement of the problem, the proposed approach or solution, and point out major findings and conclusions. The Abstracts are written in Bahasa Indonesia and English. The abstract should be 150 to 250 words in length and written in the past tense.
  4. The keywords should be 3 – 5 words in alphabetical order. They are used by the indexing and abstracting services which have not been used those words in the title. Using the keywords may increase the ease for interested parties to find out our article.
  5. The Introduction should provide a clear background, a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, the proposed approach or solution, and the new value of research which it is innovation. It should be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines.
  6. Explaining research chronological, including research design and research procedure. The description of the research should be supported by references, so the explanation can be scientifically accepted.
  7. The results and the discussion section should explain the results of the research and provide a comprehensive discussion. It also explains the differences of your finding results and other publications.
  8. The conclusion should provide a statement what will be expected, as in the "Introduction" section that it can ultimately lead to "Results and Discussion" section. Moreover, it can also be added the development of the research results and the application for the future studies (based on the results and the discussion)
  9. The references should be cited in text. Only references cited in text should be listed at the end of the paper.

For any manuscripts which fail to meet our requirements will be returned to the author for amendment. Only manuscripts which are submitted in the correct style will be considered by the Editors.

Guideline for Online Submission

The author should fulfill the form as detail as possible where the star marked form must be entered. The followings are five steps of online submission process in IJACR:

Step 1 – Starting the Submission: The author must read dan acknowledge that the author has completed the submission requirements before proceeding.

Step 2 – Uploading the Submission: The manuscript will be uploaded to this journal in document file (.doc/.docx) and choose the kind of that file. The author may upload more than one file.

Step 3 – Entering Submission’s Metadata: The detail authors metadata should be entered including marked corresponding author. After that, manuscript title and abstract must be uploaded by copying the text and paste in the textbox including keywords.

Step 4 – Confirming the Submission: The author may go back to review and adjust any of the manuscript document dan the information before finish submission to IJACR.

Step 5 – Next Steps: The author who submits the manuscript or the corresponding author will receive a submission acknowledgment by email. will be able to view the submission’s progress through the editorial process by logging in to the journal web address site. The submission progress includes a status of manuscript review and editorial process.

Pernyataan Privasi

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.