Interactive Digital Comics on Science Content Based on Canva to Improve Elementary School Students' Learning Outcomes
Kata Kunci:
Digital Comic, ADDIE, Learning OutcomesAbstrak
The learning process is less effective because teachers only use the lecture method during learning. This is due to the lack of application of effective learning media to support the learning process. This study aims to create interactive digital comic media based on Canva in science learning, especially on the topic of energy sources, in order to improve the learning outcomes of grade III elementary school students. This development uses the ADDIE development model. Based on the validity of interactive digital comic media, two material experts and two learning design experts were used. The media expert test obtained an average value of 0.95, which is classified as high validity; the material expert test obtained an average value of 0.94, which is classified as high validity; and the learning design expert test obtained an average value of 0.90, which is also classified as high validity. The results of the practicality test to practitioners or teachers obtained a value of 92%, which means the percentage level is very good; student responses to 17 grade III students obtained a value of 88.78%, which means the percentage level is good; small group trials obtained a value of 90.46% which means the percentage level is very good, and individual trials obtained a value of 93.33% which means the percentage level is very good and practical to use. The effectiveness test conducted on class III of SD Negeri 1 Ambengan, totalling 17 students through a correlated t-test, obtained a significant value (Sig. 2-tailed) of 0.001. The results showed a significant value smaller than 0.05. The study concludes that Canva-based interactive digital comics are proven valid, feasible, and effective in improving the science learning outcomes of elementary school students.
Cara Mengutip
Hak Cipta (c) 2025 I Komang Sugiantara, Kadek Yudiana, I Made Hendra Sukmayasa

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