The Role of Academic Supervision and Communication on Teacher Performance


  • Ratih Kusuma Wardani Student of Educational Management Post-Graduate, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Desi Rahmawati Lecture of Educational Management Post-Graduate, Jakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Heru Santosa Lecture of Educational Management Post-Graduate, Jakarta State University, Indonesia



Project-Baesd Learning, Writing Skill, 5 Dimensions of Writing


Teachers as education personnel have an important role in determining success in achieving educational goals. Schools pay special attention to teacher competence so that teachers are required to continue to develop professionalism and performance. This study aims to obtain information about the role of academic supervision and interpersonal communication. research place at public elementary schools in the administrative city of South Jakarta. This study used a survey method with path analysis techniques and a causal quantitative approach. The sample in this study was 81 teachers who were taken using simple random sampling technique or simple random sampling and the teachers who were the object of the research were determined using the sample technique formula from Slovin. The data analysis technique was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics by first doing the prerequisite analysis, namely population normality and regression analysis. The findings from the study that academic supervision activities and smooth interpersonal communication play a major role in improving teacher performance. Professional teachers will be able to manage learning activities well and will be able to provide motivation to students so that the goals of learning will be achieved and produce students who excel in their respective fields.


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How to Cite

Wardani, R. K., Rahmawati, D., & Santosa, H. (2021). The Role of Academic Supervision and Communication on Teacher Performance. Journal of Education Research and Evaluation, 5(2), 302–310.


