Pattern of Multicultural Insights Development as a Strategy for Adaptation of Midwifery Students


  • Hairuddin K. Universitas Megarezky



Pattern, Multicultural, Adaptation, Interaction


The inevitable reality is Indonesian people and nation consist of various social diversity, ethnic groups, cultures, religions, political aspirations and others so that it can simply be referred to as a multicultural society. Intercultural encounters and social life sometimes lead to conflict each other and attempts to find a compromise as a way out on the other. This reality does not exclude our past, present and even future lives. Interaction with others in relation to culture, social life and even political systems and economic systems is something that undoubtedly becomes the interaction is the way to get information. This study aims to investigate the pattern, to know the process and to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors for developing multicultural insights. This research used descriptive qualitative method through observation, interviews and documentation. The data validity test used triangulation, while data analysis technique used miles and Huberman interactive analysis, namely reduction, presentation and data verification or conclusion. The results of study showed that diverse cultures, multicultural insights can increase understanding of Indonesian multiculturalism, especially midwifery students. While the process of developing multicultural insights used formal and informal stages, as for the supporting and inhibiting factors of developing insight in midwifery students including the spirit of diversity is fundamental, interaction with students in class when taking ISBD courses is quite conducive to multicultural application, there is a balance between theories and practice and it has been integrated.


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How to Cite

K., H. (2021). Pattern of Multicultural Insights Development as a Strategy for Adaptation of Midwifery Students. Journal of Education Research and Evaluation, 5(4), 551–557.


