Evaluation of Students' Difficulties in Learning Mathematics in Complex Variable Material
Evaluation, Mathematical Difficulty, Complex VariablesAbstract
Prospective mathematics teachers are required to be able to master facts and be able to give examples that exist in everyday life. A prospective mathematics teacher is expected to be skilled and mature in using media when operating, explaining and demonstrating direct objects that exist in any complex variable material. The aim of this study is to analyze the obstacles and difficulties of students in Mathematics. Two indicators for assessing mathematics learning outcomes: 1) Direct objects (Facts, Concepts, Skills, and Principles), and 2) Indirect objects (Internet and friends). Mixed methods research method. The subject of the complex variable mathematics course and the student object. Qualitative data collection techniques by observation, interviews, documentation and quantitative survey method collection techniques by distributing instruments. Analysis with, presentation, reduction, presenting bar charts, data synchronization and drawing conclusions. The findings, students' difficulties lie in the direct object, namely mastery of mathematical facts 95.55% and concept difficulties 91.11%, principle (formula) difficulties 91.11% and algorithms 75.55%. Students who get good grades online are assisted by indirect objects, namely the internet and other student discussion partners. In conclusion, students' obstacles and difficulties lie in the direct objects of fact indicators (definitions) and concepts. Material design, facts and concepts with group discussion models are learning solutions.
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