Progresivitas Kecerdasan Buatan dalam Perspektif Epistemologi
Progressiveness of Artificial Intelligence in Epistemological Perspective
artificial intelligence, epistemology, AIAbstract
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing rapidly, and the increasing reliance on AI technology brings several advantages, such as improved efficiency, enhanced personalization, and smarter decision-making. However, this growing dependency also raises concerns regarding the epistemological foundations of AI. This study aims to examine the epistemology of AI development through qualitative research using a literature review approach. AI is a fusion of science and technology. Classical sources of knowledge, such as sensory experience, rationality, and testimony, remain crucial in human efforts to understand reality, despite AI offering sophisticated tools for data analysis and prediction. The knowledge produced by AI is complex and varies depending on the context and the type of system employed. AI’s complex algorithms, often perceived as a "black box," make it challenging to understand how AI arrives at specific conclusions, raising questions about the validity and reliability of its knowledge. Thus, understanding how AI functions, evaluating its sources, comparing them with other knowledge sources, and applying common sense are essential when analyzing AI-generated data.
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