
  • I Kadek Suantara .
  • I Gst Lanang Agung Parwata,S.Pd, M.Kes .
  • dr. Ni Luh Kadek Alit Arsani, S.Ked. .



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan loncat kelinci terhadap kelincahan dan kecepatan. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimen sungguhan dengan rancangan the modified randomized pre-test post-test control group design. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 36 orang yang ditentukan dengan teknik proportional random sampling. Kelincahan diukur dengan menggunakan tes lari bolak balik (shuttle run) dan kecepatan dengan tes lari 50 m, selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji-t independent dengan bantuan program SPSS 16.0. Berdasarkan hasil uji-t independent data kelincahan diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0,000 pada taraf signifikansi 5% (α = 0,05), sehingga hipotesis pengaruh pelatihan loncat kelinci terhadap kelincahan diterima. Sedangkan hasil uji-t independent data kecepatan diperoleh nilai signifikansi 0,000 pada taraf signifikansi 5% (α = 0,05), sehingga hipotesis pengaruh pelatihan loncat kelinci terhadap kecepatan diterima. Dari hasil analisis data dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa; (1) Pelatihan loncat kelinci berpengaruh terhadap kelincahan pada siswa putra kelas VIII SMP N 3 Bebandem. (2). Pelatihan loncat kelinci berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan pada siswa putra kelas VIII SMP N 3 Bebandem. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, hal-hal yang dapat disarankan yaitu : (1) Bagi pembina olahraga, pelatih olahraga, guru penjasorkes dan atlet serta pelaku olahraga lainya disarankan dapat menggunakan pelatihan loncat kelinci sebagai salah satu alternatif dalam meningkatkan kelincahan dan kecepatan. (2) Bagi peneliti lain yang ingin melakukan penelitian sejenis disarankan untuk penggunakan variabel dan sampel penelitian yang berbeda.
Kata Kunci : pelatihan loncat kelinci, kelincahan, kecepatan

This research was aims to determine the effect of the rabbit jump training agility and speed. This type of research was a true experiment which used the modified randomized pre-test post-test control group design. 36 samples are determined by proportional random sampling technique. Agility was measured by shuttle run and the speed Was measured by sprint test 50 meters, then the data were analyzed using independent t-test with SPSS 16.0. Based on the results of the independent t-test agility of data obtained significance value of 0.000 at a significance level of 5% (α = 0.05), so the hypothesis of the influence of a rabbit jumping agility training received. While the results of the independent t-test speed data obtained significance value of 0.000 at a significance level of 5% (α = 0.05), so the hypothesis of the influence of rabbits on speed jump training received. Based on independent t-test results obtained tcount = 16.35 with a significance value of 0.000 at significance level α = 0.05, so the hypothesis of the influence of the rabbit jump training diterima. From the results of the data analysis and explanation above, it could be concluded that; (1) The rabbit jump training has an effect on men's agility in class VIII students of SMP N 3 Bebandem. (2). The rabbit jump training has an effect on men’s speed in class VIII students of SMP N 3 Bebandem. Based on these results, the things that can be suggested, namely: (1) For sports coaches, sports coaches, teachers and athletes and other sports people are advised to use a rabbit jump training as an alternative to improve agility and speed. (2) For other researchers who want to conduct similar research is recommended for the use of variables and different sample.
keyword : The rabbit jump training, agility, speed



How to Cite

., I. K. S., ., I. G. L. A. P. M., & ., dr. N. L. K. A. A. S. (2014). PENGARUH PELATIHAN LONCAT KELINCI TERHADAP KELINCAHAN DAN KECEPATAN . Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan Undiksha, 2(1).




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