
  • Andini Hijria .
  • Dr. Wahjoedi,S.Pd,M.Pd .
  • Made Agus Wijaya, S.Pd., M.Pd. .



Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournament terhadap hasil belajar teknik dasar passing bola basket. Penelitian merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian the non-randomized control group pretest posttest design. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas XI SMK TI Bali Global Singaraja Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017 dengan jumlah populasi berjumlah 55 orang siswa, dengan subjek 38 orang siswa pengundian kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol dilakukan dengan Sampling purposive. Data hasil belajar mencakup: 1) aspek kognitif menggunakan tes pilihan ganda, 2) aspek afektif menggunakan observasi sikap siswa selama pembelajaran, dan 3) aspek psikomotor menggunakan observasi kinerja passing chest pass dan bounce pass bola basket. Tahap analisa data terdiri atas :1) uji prasayat menggunakan uji normalitas data (kolmogorov-smirnov) dan uji homogenitas (levene test) serta 2) uji hipotesis menggunakan uji-t pada taraf signifikan 0,05. Berdasarkan uji prasayat, di peroleh hasil bahwa data penelitian berdistribusi normal dan homogen. Uji-t menunjukkan sedangkan nilai 2,028 dan nilai signifikan yang diperoleh melalui uji t adalah p<0.00. Merujuk hasil analisa data dan pembahasan, simpulan penelitian ini adalah penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif TGT berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar teknik dasar passing chest pass dan bounce pass bola basket pada siswa kelas XI SMK TI Bali Global Singaraja tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Dengan demikian disarankan kepada guru penjasorkes dapat menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT karena terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada hasil belajar teknik dasar passing chest pass dan bounce pass
Kata Kunci : Kooperatif, TGT, hasil belajar, bola basket

This study was aimed at determining the effect of cooperative learning model that was Teams Games Tournament type on students' achievement of chest pass and bounce pass basket ball technique. This study was aquasi experimental research with non-randomized control group pretest posttest research design.This study was implemented to the XI grade students of SMK TI Bali Global Singaraja in the academic year of 2016/2017. The population of the study was 55 students. 38 students were chosen as experimentaland control group samples by using purposive sampling technique The data of the study included: 1) students'cognitive aspect derived from their objective test, 2) students'affective aspect derived from observation on their attitude and behaviour, 3) students'psycmotor apsect derived from observation on theeffort of the students in doing passing chest pass and bounce pass of basketball. Analysis process included: 1) prerequisite testing by using normality test (kolmogorov-smirnov) and homogeneity test (levene test), and 2) hypothesis testingused t-test with significant level of 0.05. Based on the prerequisite test, the result showed that the data of the study is normally distributed and homogeneous. T-test showed that t-counted = 8.517, while t-table = 2.028, and significant value was p < 0.00. Based on the data analysis and discussion, the conclusion of the study was the implementation of cooperative learning model TGT had significant effect on the achievement improvement of passing chest pass and bounce past basketball technique of XI grade SMK TI bali Global students in the acadenic year 2016/2017. Therefore, sports teachers can implement the cooperative learning model TGT because it gives positive significant effect on students achievement of passing chest pass and bounce pass basketball technique
keyword : cooperative learning, TGT, learning result, basket ball




