
  • Ni Putu Ratih Aprilia



Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar teknik dasar passing (passing bawah dan passing atas) bola voli melalui implementasi model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT pada siswa kelas VIII E SMP Negeri 1 Abang tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. Penelitian ini tergolong PTK dimana guru sebagai peneliti. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII E SMP Negeri 1 Abang, yang berjumlah 32 orang. Data diperoleh dari lembar observasi dan evaluasi dengan menggunakan assessmen teknik dasar passing bola voli. Hasil analisis data yang diperoleh adalah untuk aktivitas belajar, pada siklus I sebesar 7,00 dengan kategori aktif, pada siklus II sebesar 7,56 dengan kategori aktif. Aktivitas belajar siswa meningkat sebesar 0,56%. Sedangkan, hasil belajar siswa siklus I sebesar 71,875% yang berada dalam kategori baik, dan siklus II sebesar 87,5% yang berada dalam kategori sangat baik. Hasil belajar siklus I ke siklus II dan siswa meningkat sebesar 15,625%. Berdasarkan analisis data dan pembahasan disimpulkan bahwa aktivitas dan hasil belajar teknik dasar passing (passing bawah dan passing atas) meningkat melalui implementasi model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT pada siswa kelas VIII E SMP Negeri 1 Abang tahun pelajaran 2013/2014.

Abstract: This study aimed at improving the activity and learning outcome of passing basic technique (passing down and passing on) through implementing the Cooperative Learning Method in NHT type on VIII E students of SMP Negeri 1 Abang in the academic year 2013/2014. This study is an action research.  The subject of this study was VIII E students of SMP Negeri 1 Abang which consisted of 32 students. The data were gained by using observation and evaluation sheet as the assessment of volleyball passing basic techniques. The result of the data for the learning activities were 7.00 in the first cycle which categorized as active and 7.56 in the second cycle which categorized as active. It could be known that the students’ learning activities were an increase of 0.56%. Whereas, the students’ learning result in the first cycle were 71.875% which was in good category, and the second cycle were 87.5% which was in very good category. It could be known that the result of the first cycle to the second cycle were an increase of 15.625%.    Based on the result of the data and the discussion, it could be concluded that the students’ activity and learning result was increased through implementing Cooperative Learning Method in NHT type to the VIII E students of SMP Negeri 1 Abang in the academic year 2013/2014.


Kata-kata kunci: Model Pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT, aktivitas belajar, hasil belajar, passing bola voli.




