Metode Copy The Master Kaanggen Nincapang Kawagedan Nyurat Cerpen Sisia ring Kelas XI MIA 3 SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja


  • Ni Kd Ayu Yasinta Dewi .
  • Ida Bagus Putra Manik Aryana, S.S., M. .
  • Drs. Gede Gunatama, M.Hum. .



Tetilikan puniki matetujon nelatarang (1) panincapang kawagedan nyurat cerpen sisia ring kelas XI MIA3 SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja nganggen metode copy the master (2) pidabdab pangajahan metode copy the master anggen nincapang kawagedan nyurat cerpen sisia ring kelas XI MIA3 SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja (3) panampen sisia ring kawentenan metode copy the master sane kaanggen nincapang kawagedan nyurat cerpen sisia ring kelas XI MIA 3 SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja.Jejering tetilikan puniki sisia kelas XI MIA3 SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja. Panandang tetilikannyane inggih punika pikolih malajah lan panampen sisia. Tetilikan puniki nganggen pangrencana penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Data panincapang kawagedan nyurat cerpen kapupulang nganggen kramaning tes. Data pidabdab pangajahan kapupulang nganggen kramaning praktiaksa lan data panampen sisia kapupulang nganggen kramaning angket, miwah sadu wicara sane katureksain nganggen metode deskriptif kualitatif lan deskriptif kuantitatif.Pikolih tetilikan puniki inggih punika metode copy the master prasida (1) nincapang kawagedan nyurat cerpen sisia saking biji pratest 65,83 salanturnyane ring siklus I inggih punika 68,61 miwah ring siklus II 73,25, dadosnyane panincapang saking pratest ngantos siklus II inggih punika 7,42 (2) kalaksanayang antuk pidabdab pangajahan sane pinih becik inggih punika akehnyane 9 paletan, unteng pangajahannyane sisia ngwacen lan nyelehin wangun cerpen master lan salanturnyane sisia makarya cerpen antuk nuutin imba cerpen master sakadi nuutin wangun, unteng, miwah pangabah (3) panampen sisia becik ring sajeroning paplajahan nyurat cerpen. Antuk pikolih punika, piteket majeng ring guru Basa Bali mangda ngamargiang metode copy the master ring paplajahan nyurat cerpen.
Kata Kunci : copy the master, nyurat, cerpen

The study aimed to explain (1) the development of the writing short story skill applied copy the master method for eleventh grade students of MIA 3 in SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja, (2) the stages of learning copy the master method in developing the writing short story for eleventh grade students of MIA 3 in SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja, and (3) the students’ response toward the implementation of copy the master method in order to develop the writing short story for eleventh grade students of MIA 3 in SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja. The subject of this study is eleventh grade students of MIA 3 in SMA Negeri 2 Singaraja. The object of this study is the result of learning process and the students’ response. This study was conducted by using classroom action research which is done by using two cycles. The data of improvement of writing short story skill was collected by test method. The data of learning steps was taken by observation method. The data of students responses was taken by using questionare and interview.The data was analyzed by using descriptive quantitative method and descriptive qualitative method.The results of this study are (1) this method is able to improve the skill of writing short story for the students that got score 65.83 in the pre-test and in the first cycle the students gained 68.61 and in the second cycle gained 73.25, and the result of development from pre-test into second cycle is 7.42, (2) this method implemented by using nine steps in learning process, namely the students read and analyzed the model of short story then the students imitated the form, theme, element, and (3) this method created the positive response from the students in writing short story. Based on the results, the researcher suggested the Balinese language teacher to implement copy the master method in order to improve the writing short story skill of students.
keyword : copy the master, writing, short story




