KUUB Tetilikan puniki matetujon nlatarang (1) campuh kode manut soroh lan undagan wangun basa sane wenten ring wagian Bali Orti koran Bali Post rahina Redite pamijilan November-Desember warsa 2015, (2) pakrana campuh kode, lan (3) kepahan campuh kode sane pinih akeh metu manut undagan wangun basa. Jejering tetilikan inggih punika rong Bali Orti koran Bali Post rahina Redite pamijilan November-Desember warsa 2015. Panandang tetilikan inggih punika campuh kode. Tetilikan puniki nganggen palihan tetilikan deskriptif kualitatif lan nganggen kramaning analisis konten miwah dokumentasi. Data tureksa sane kaanggen minakadi identifikasi data, reduksi data klasifikasi data, interpretasi, deskripsi data lan panyutetan. Pikolih ring tetilikan puniki (1) campuh kode ka tengah kapolihang 290 kruna, 102 frasa, 7 idiom, campuh kode ka sisi 26 kruna, 2 frasa, 9 idiom, campuh kode campuhan 10 kruna, 10 frasa, (2) pakrana campuh kode sane wenten inggih punika parindikan panutur/pamaos lan parindikan basa, lan (3) kepahan campuh kode sane pinih akeh metu manut undagan wangun basa inggih punika kruna, kapanggihin 327 kruna. Saking tetilikan puniki kaaptiang mangda malih nelebin indik kosabasa basa Bali mangda samian wagian Bali Orti nganggen basa Bali lan prasida ngajegang basa Bali ring jagat Bali puniki, taler ring panilik sane lianan mangda tetilikan puniki kalanturang lan tincapang malih indik campuh kode ring satua bawak utawi sane lianan.Kata Kunci : Kruna jejaton: Bali Orti, campuh kode, koran Bali Post.
Abstract This study is aimed to describe (1) code-mixing according to the type and classification elements of language that are in the part of Bali Orti Bali Post newspaper Sunday edition in November-December 2015, (2) the cause of code-mixing, and (3) code-mixing of the most widely by the elements of language level. The subjects of this study was the part of Bali Orti Bali Post newspaper Sunday edition of November-December 2015. The object of this study is code-mixing. This study used descriptive qualitative research design and data collection using content analysis and documentation. The collection of data used to wear phases, as the identification of the data, data reduction, classification of data , interpretation, description of the data, and inference. The results of this study (1) code-mixing into obtained a number of 290 words, 102 phrases, 7 idioms, code-mixing outside the 26 words, 2 phrases, 9 idiom, as well as code-mixing a mixture of 10 words, 10 phrases, (2) the cause of code-mixing is where speaker and where the language and (3) a part of code-mixing according to the level of the most widely code-mixing is words, is founded 327 words. This study is expected to further improve the vocabulary of the language, so that is all parts of Bali Orti is using Balinese language and can preserve the Balinese language, in addition to other researchers hoped the study continued and improved return on code-mixing in short stories or other media.
keyword : Key words : Bali Orti, code-mixing, Bali Post newspaper.