Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui, kualitas pelayanan di Salon Agata 2. Terdapat lima unsur dari kualitas pelayan, yaitu tangibles (bukti fisik), reliability (kehandalan), assurance (jaminan), responsiveness (daya tanggap), dan empathy (perhatian). Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggan di Salon Agata 2 sebanyak 50 orang. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu metode observasi dan metode angket. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan analisis data maka kualitas pelayanan beautician di Salon Agata 2 Kabupaten Buleleng pada variabel bukti fisik penampilan diri dan kebersihan diri dikategorikan sangat baik, pada variabel kehandalan dikategorikan baik, pada variabel daya tanggap dikategorikan baik, pada variabel jaminan dikategorikan cukup dan pada variabel memberi perhatian dikategorikan tidak baik, maka kualitas pelayanan di Salon Agata 2 dikategorikan baik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, pihak salon agar dapat meningkatkan pelayanannya seperti memerhatikan faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas layanan sehingga dapat berdampak pada kepuasan konsumen terkait dengan memberi perhatian dan jaminan.Kata Kunci : assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, tangible
This research included into descriptive research which mainly aimed to find out the service quality at Agata Salon 2. There were five elements in service quality, those were tangibles, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy. There were 50 people whom taken as the subject of this research. Observation method and questionnaire method were applied in this research in collecting the data which were analyzed descriptively statistic. The result of this research based on the data analysis which showed the beautician service quality at Agata Salon 2 in Buleleng Sub-district, based on the variable of tangibles which were self-appearance and self-hygiene that categorized as very good quality, for the variable of reliability categorized as good quality, for the variable of responsiveness categorized as good quality, for the variable of assurance categorized as sufficient quality, and the last for the variable of empathy categorized as bad quality, therefore the service quality at Agata Salon 2 can be concluded as good quality. Based on the result of this research, Agata Salon should improve the service quality such as paying more attention to the factors that could affect the service quality, therefore the customer satisfaction would increase related to the empathy and the assurance elements of quality.
keyword : assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, tangible

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