enelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan proses pembuatan tepung umbi suweg (2) mengukur kandungan zat gizi tepung umbi suweg (3) mendeskripsikan kualitas tepung umbi suweg dilihat dari segi warna, aroma, dan tekstur. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah proses pembutaan tepung umbi suweg, kandungan gizi tepung umbi suweg, dan kualitas tepung umbi suweg dilihat dari segi warna, aroma, dan tekstur. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, ditemukan bahwa (1) proses pembuatan tepung umbi suweg melalui 8 tahapan yaitu pengupasan;pengirisan, pencucian tahap I, perendaman, pencucian tahap II, pengukusan, penjemuran, penggilingan;pengayakan, dan pengemasan.(2) kandungan zat gizi tepung umbi suweg meliputi air 11,98%, abu 4,32%, protein 5,44%, lemak 1,80%, karbohidrat 76,42%, pati 56,07% dan kalori 343,79kkal. (3) kualitas tepung umbi suweg dilihat dari segi warna berada pada kategori baik dengan warna yang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan yaitu putih kecoklatan. Dari segi aroma berada pada kategori baik dengan hasil sesuai yaitu khas aroma umbi suweg. Dari segi tekstur berada pada kategori baik dengan hasil halus.Kata Kunci : Kandungan gizi, tepung, umbi suweg
his research is aimed to find out: (1) described the prosess of making suweg tuber flour, (2) measured nutrient content of suweg tuber flour, (3) described the quality of suweg tuber flour in terms of color, flavor dan texture. The object in this research was making processed of suweg tuber flour, nutrient content of suweg tuber flour, and quality of suweg tuber flour in terms of color, flavor dan texture. The design of this research was laboratory experiment research. The method of this research was observation method. Data analysis techniques used are quantitative descriptive. The results of the research are: (1) the proses of making suweg tuber flour through eight steps that is stripping;incision, first washing, soaking, second washing, steaming, drying, grinding;sifting, and packaging, (2) nutrient content of suweg tuber flour is 11,98% of water; 4,32% of ash; 5,44% of protein; 1,80% of fat; 76,42% of carbohydrate; 56,07% of starch and 343,79kkal of calories, (3) the quality of suweg tuber flour in terms of color, it is in a good category with colors that are as expected, namely brownish white. In terms of flavor, it is in a good category too with flavor that are as expected, namely unique of suweg tuber. And the last, in terms of texture. From the texture suweg tuber flour is in a good point with smooth texture.
keyword : Flour, Nutrient content, Suweg tuber

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