Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui study wisata edukasi di Secret Garden Village sebagai salah satu daya tarik wisata di desa Luwus kabupaten Tabanan Provinsi Bali. (2) Mengetahui penerapan wisata edukasi di Secret Garden Village dalam memenuhi standard dan prinsip dasar dari kriteria wisata edukasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara dan observasi, dimana peneliti akan mewawancarai karyawan dari Secret Garden Village yang bertugas sebagai guide yang menemani para tamu berkeliling serta mengobservasi lingkungan dari kegiatan edukasi di Secret Garden Village. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Wisata edukasi memiliki 3 dimensi untuk menunjang sarana dan jasa Edutourism yaitu : a) Nature, Secret Garden Village sudah termasuk dalam wisata edukasi yang menunjang sarana dan jasa Edutourism, dengan adanya unsure kayu, air, dan tanah yang tersedia di areal wilayah Secret Garden Village, dengan ini menunjukkan bahwa Secret Garden Village telah memenuhi unsur nature. b) Education, adanya ilmu yang terkandung di dalam wisata tersebut dan menyediakan pendidikan kepada pengunjung dalam menikmati alam agar mereka memiliki tingkat pengertian, apresiasi, dan kepuasan yang lebih besar dalam berwisata. c) Culture, warisan budaya yang dilestarikan dan menghormati budaya lokal, serta sensitive terhadap keberadaan dan pengembangan budaya sekitar, sehingga nantinya warisan budaya ini akan tetap lestari dan indah. (2) Penerapan wisata edukasi di Secret Garden Village dinyatakan telah memenuhi prinsir dasar dan kriteria wisata edukasi dilihat dari hasil wawancara serta hasil observasi yang dimana dari hasil tersebut semuanya menunjukkan tingkat kesesuaian yang pas dan memuaskan.Kata Kunci : Secret Garden Village,Daya Tarik Wisata,Edutourism
This study aims to (1) Knowing educational tourism studies at Secret Garden Village as one of the tourist attractions in Luwus village, Tabanan regency, Bali Province. (2) Knowing the application of educational tourism at Secret Garden Village in meeting the standards and basic principles of educational tourism criteria. This study uses interview and observation methods, where the researcher will interview employees from Secret Garden Village who are in charge as guides who accompany guests around and observe the environment from educational activities at Secret Garden Village. The results of the study show (1) Educational tourism has 3 dimensions to support the facilities and services of Edutourism, namely: a) Nature, Secret Garden Village is included in educational tours that support Edutourism facilities and services, with the presence of wood, water and soil available in .Secret Garden Village area, with this shows that Secret Garden Village has fulfilled the nature element. b) Education, the knowledge contained in the tour and providing education to visitors in enjoying nature so that they have a greater level of understanding, appreciation heritage that is preserved and respects local culture, and sensitive to the existence and development of the surrounding culture, so that later this cultural heritage will remain sustainable and beautiful. (2) The application of educational tourism in Secret Garden Village is stated to have fulfilled the basic principles and criteria for educational tourism seen from the results of interviews and the results of observations wherein all of these results indicate a suitable and satisfying level of conformity.
keyword : Secret Garden Village,Rravel Attraction,Edutourism

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