pengaruh pelatihan passing give and go dan passing pada target yang bergerak terhadap keterampilan passing pada siswa putra ekstrakulikuler sepakbola Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Wathan di kecamatan gerokgak 2016


  • Muhammad Nurdin Agusman .
  • Suratmin, S.Pd. M.Or .
  • I Kd. Happy Kardiawan, S.Pd. .



ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh pelatihan passing give and go, (2) passing pada target yang bergerak dan, (3) perbedaan passing give and go dan passing pada target yang bergerak terhadap ketepatan passing pada siswa putra ekstrakurikuler sepakbola Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Wathan Gerokgak 2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu dengan rancangan “the modified pre-test post-test group design”. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 36 orang ketepatan passing diukur dengan keterampilan passing. Teknik analisis data mengunakan uji-t independen dengan taraf signifikansi α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini (1) pelatihan passing give and go berpengaruh terhadap ketepatan passing, dengan hasil thit = 4,884 > t tab 2,110, (2) pelatihan passing pada target yang bergerak berpengaruh terhadap ketepatan passing, dengan hasil thit =3,828 > t tab 2,110 dan, (3) Terdapat perbedaan pengaruh pelatihan passing give and go dan passing pada target yang bergerak terhadap ketepatan passing, dengan hasil thit = 2,068 > t tab 2,032. Pelatihan passing give and go memberikan pengaruh yang lebih baik dibanding pelatihan passing pada target yang bergerak terhadap ketepatan passing, dilihat dari hasil rata-rata pelatihan passing give and go = 2,11 > pelatihan passing pada target yang bergerak = 1,11. Dari hasil analisis data disimpulkan bahwa: (1) terdapat pengaruh pelatihan passing give and go terhadap ketepatan passing sepakbola (2) terdapat pengaruh pelatihan passing pada target yang bergerak terhadap ketepatan passing sepakbola (3) terdapat perbedaan pengaruh pelatihan passing give and go dan passing pada target yang bergerak terhadap ketepatan passing pada siswa putra ekstrakulikuler sepakbola Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Wathan 2016. Pelatihan passing give and go lebih baik peningkatannya dibandingkan dengan pelatihan passing pada target yang bergerak. Sedangkan saran dalam penelitian ini atlit memiliki motivasi dalam berlatihan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan teknik dasar sepakbola khususnya teknik passing, agar tujuan latihan dapat tercapai secara optimal.
Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: Passing give and go, passing pada target yang bergerak, keterampilan passing sepakbola.

ABSTRACT This study aims to determine (1) the effect of training passing give and go, (2) passing at a moving target and, (3) the passing give and go and passing on a moving target for the accuracy of passing on a male student extracurricular soccer Government Elementary School Nurul wathan Gerokgak 2016. the research method used is a quasi-experimental design with "the modified pre-test post-test group design". These samples included 36 people passing accuracy is measured by passing skills. Data analysis techniques using independent t-test with a significance level α = 0.05. The results of this study (1) training passing give and go affect the accuracy of passing, with the result thit = 4,884> t tab 2,110, (2) training of passing on a moving target affect the accuracy of passing, with the result thit = 3,828> t tab 2,110 and (3) There are differences in the effect of give and go passing training and passing on the moving target of the accuracy of passing, with the result thit = 2.068> 2.032 t tab. Give and go passing training gives a better effect than training at a moving target passing to the accuracy of passing, seen from the average training give and go passing = 2.11> passing training at a moving target = 1.11. Data analysis concluded that: (1) there are significant training of passing give and go to the accuracy of passing football (2) there are significant training of passing on a moving target for the accuracy of passing football (3) there are differences in the influence of training passing give and go and passing on a moving target for the accuracy of passing on a male student extracurricular Nurul Wathan soccer Government Elementary School, 2016. Training give and go passing better improvement compared with the training of passing on a moving target. While the suggestions in this study in berlatihan athletes motivated to improve the skills of basic techniques of football, especially the technique of passing, for the purpose of exercise can be achieved optimally.
keyword : Key words: Passing give and go, passing on a moving target, passing accuracy soccer.



How to Cite

., M. N. A., ., S. S. M., & ., I. K. H. K. S. (2016). pengaruh pelatihan passing give and go dan passing pada target yang bergerak terhadap keterampilan passing pada siswa putra ekstrakulikuler sepakbola Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Nurul Wathan di kecamatan gerokgak 2016. Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga Undiksha, 5(2).


