ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) proses pembuatan kerajinan akar kayu, (2) ragam bentuk kerajinan akar kayu di Bintang taeak Root Furniture Desa Batuan Sukawati, Gianyar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pembuat kerajinan akar kayu yang ada di Desa Batuan Sukawati, Gianyar. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Proses pembuatan kerajinan akar kayu dikerjakan melalui dua tahap; Tahap pertama persiapan bahan utama akar kayu jati, bahan pendukung seperti soda api, H2O, lem kayu, sending seler, melamik glos, tiner dan hardener. Persiapan alat seperti pisau cekrek, pahat, palu, mesin serut kayu, gergaji mesin, amplas, gerinda, waterpass, kuas, sikat kawat, kompresor, steam listrik (mesin tembak angin), kompor perak dan slop tangan slop. Pada tahap kedua yaitu proses pembuatan dimulai dari; pemilihan bahan akar kayu, proses pemotongan secara global, mencekrek untuk membentuk body, penyetelan mengukur kedataran, pengamplasan, pembersihan menggunakan air, dan yang terakhir finishing menggunakan du teknik yaitu finishing melamik glos dan finishing pembakaran. (2) Ragam bentuk kerajinan akar kayu berupa benda fungsional dan benda hias diantaranya; Tempat lilin, sofa, kursi Bar, meja bonsai, meja jamur, meja cofe, meja cofe belah, satu set kursi dan meja makan, satu set kursi dan meja cofe kotak, Lemari rak terbuka, kursi dan meja bola, meja tamu, meja bintang, guci, Fas bunga, tempat buah, dekor tembok, dan stand dekorasiKata Kunci : Kata-kata kunci : Kerajinan, Kayu, Desain
Abstract The objectives of this study are to know: (1) the process of making a wood root , (2) the various forms of wood root craft in the Bintang Teak Root Furniture, Batuan Village Sukawati, Gianyar. The approach of this study is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study are the makers of wood root craft in the Batuan Village Sukawati, Gianyar. This research use observation, interview, documentation and literature as the technique of collecting data. The result of this study shows that: (1) the process of making a wood root is done through into two steps; the first step is preparation of teak root as the main material, the supporting materials such as soda ash, H2O, wood glue, sending seler, melamik glossed, tinner, and hardener. The preparation of tools are knives, cekrek knive, chisel, hammer, planer saws machine, grinding, sandpaper, brush, wire brush, steam electric compressor, silver stones and hand slop. The second is manufacture process, start from the selection of wood root, cutting process in generally to get form the wood root’s body, tuning the measure, sanding, cleaning use water and the finishing use two techniques. The finishing of the techniques are melamik glossed’s finishing and burn’s finishing. (2) The various forms of wood root craft are the functional objects and ornamental objects include; candlleiers, sofa, bar stool, bonsai table, mushroom table, coffee table, coffee table sides, a set of chair and boxes of coffee table, shelves cabinets, ball chair and table, star table, jar, place fruit, vase, wall and stand decorations In the process of making a wood root crafts in the Bintang Teak Root Furniture, Batuan Village Sukawati, Gianyar is done through into step by step and the produce of various form wood root have a function each others.
keyword : Key terms: wood root craft, Bintang Teak Root Furniture