
  • Mahendra .
  • Dra. Luh Suartini .
  • Drs. Gede Eka Harsana Koriawan .



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang (1) Sejarah Keberadaan kerajinan gerabah. (2) Bahan dan alat yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kerajinan gerabah. (3) Proses pembuatan kerajinan gerabah. (4) Bentuk kerajinan gerabah di desa Penujak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif, Sasaran informan ditempat penelitian adalah pengrajin gerabah sebagai subjek penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Sejarah keberadaan kerajinan gerabah di desa Penujak. (2) Alat dan Bahan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan kerajinan gerabah meliputi alat utama dan alat penunjang antara lain: Cangkul, Aluw, Batu kokoh, Kain lap, potongan sandel, Ladiq, Tunggku pembakaran tradisional, sendok, Tutup pasta gigi, bekas Sisir bekas yang dimodifikasi. Sedangkan bahan meliputi bahan utama, bahan penunjang pembakaran, bahan penunjang pewarnaan yaitu; Tanah liat, Jami(Jerami), Lukeng kedeli, kajuq(kayu bakar), Tangkel, serbuk gergaji, Sari biji asam, Arang, Minyak asli. (3) Proses pembuatan kerajinan gerabah melalui beberapa tahapan diantanya: Proses pencarian Tanah liat, Proses pengeringan Tanah liat, Proses peluturan yaitu proses peleburan tanah liat yang masih mentah, Proses pembentukan gerabah, Proses pemberian gambar, Proses pembakaran, proses pewarnaan. (4) Bentuk yang dihasilkan dari gerabah antara lain Benda fungsional meliputi: Sogon, Jangkih, Bike, Kocor tanaq, Sador, Dulang, Sendor, Bong, Semen tanaq, mangkok, Hiasan air mancur, Hiasan Lampu. Benda non fungsional meliputi; Kendi tabung, Gucci, Bike modern. Patung Manuk, Patung Lepang, Patung penyu, Patung empak, Patung tekek dan Patung Sepatu.
Kata Kunci : Kerajinan, gerabah, proses, bentuk.

This study aimed to determine (1) the existence of pottery history. (2) The materials and tools used in the manufacture of pottery. (3) The process of making pottery. (4) The form of pottery in the Penujak village. This research is descriptive qualitative research, the target informant research place is potters as the research subject. The techniques used in collecting the data were observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that (1) The history of pottery in the Penujak village. (2) The tools and materials used in the manufacture of pottery covering the main tool and the supporting tools, among others: Hoes, Aluw, solid stone, Duster, Sandel cuts, Ladiq, traditional combustion furnace, ladle, Close toothpaste, the modified of comb secondhand. While the material covering the main material, combustion supporting material, staining supporting material; Clay, Jami (Straw) , Lukeng Kedeli, kajuq (firewood), Tangkel, sawdust, Sari tamarind seeds, charcoal, original oil. (3) The process of making pottery through several stages as follows: the process of searching clay, the process of drying the clay, the process of peluturan is the process of melting the raw clay, the process of forming the pottery, the process of visualizing, the process of burning, the process coloring. (4) The form which is produced by pottery such as functional objects include: Sogon, Jangkih, Bike, Kocor tanaq, Sador, Dulang, Sendor, Bong, Semen tanaq, bowls, Fountain decoration, Lights decoration. Non- functional objects include; Kendi tube, Gucci, Modern Bike. Manuk Sculpture, Lepang Sculpture, Turtle Sculpture, Empak Sculpture, Tekek Sculpture and Shoes Sculpture.
keyword : Crafts, pottery, processes, forms.




