Media Pembelajaran Sistem Kontrol Irigasi Sawah Berbasis ESP32 Pada Mata Kuliah Aplikasi Mikrokontroler
This research aims to create a Learning Media Control System that is implemented on the ESP32-based Spiritual Irrigation System on the Microcontroller Application Course, which can be used to support the learning process, to know the validity of the learning media, and to know the good response of learners to the Microcontrollers Application Course. This research includes R&D research models. (Research and Development). This research uses an angket or questionnaire as a data collection instrument for content experts (materials), media experts, and student participants. The results of the study showed that the content expert validation test results obtained a percentage of 92.85% with highly qualified qualifications, the media expert verification test results obtained a percentage of 93.18% with high qualification, the small group test outcome of 5 students respondents received the lowest score of 69 with excellent qualification, as well as the 100% percent with very high qualification outcomes, and the large group trial out of 10 respondents achieved the lower score of 68 with very good qualification. Based on the results of the research, the learning media of the ESP32-based Sawah Irrigation Control System is suitable for use in the learning process of the Microcontroller Application course in the Undiksha Electrical Engineering Education Study Program.
Keywords: Learning Media, Irrigation Control System, ESP32, Microcontroller Application.
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