Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Aplikasi Mikrokontroler Penetas Telur Berbasis IoT Pada Mata Kuliah Mikrokontroler
This research aims to create Learning Media for IoT-Based Egg Hatching Microcontroller Applications in the Microcontroller Course which is used as a support for learners in the Microcontroller course in the Temperature Control Sub-Material of the Undiksha Electrical Engineering Education Study Program. This research was conducted by the R&D (Research and Development) process where this research is a percentage descriptive quantitative research method. This study used questionnaires as an instrument for data collection of content experts, media experts, and students. This study used percentage statistical analysis techniques to process data from content experts, media experts, and trials to students. The results of the study were obtained: The results of the content expert test were obtained a percentage of 94.23% with feasible qualifications, the results of the media expert test were obtained a percentage of 92.5% with feasible qualifications. The score range for 5 small group test respondents all included in the excellent qualification, and the score range for 10 large group test respondents all included in the excellent qualification. Learning Media for IoT-Based Egg Hatching Microcontroller Applications in the Microcontroller Course is suitable for use in the learning process in the Undiksha Electrical Engineering Education.References
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