Efek Moderasi Dukungan Sosial Dalam Hubungan Konflik Pekerjaan Keluarga Dengan Stres Kerja Dosen Wanita Di Fakultas Ekonomi Undiksha
https://doi.org/10.23887/bjm.v6i1.24398Kata Kunci:
Family Work Conflict, Social Support, Work StressAbstrak
This study aims to determine the moderating effect of providing social support in the relationship of family work conflict with work stress of female lecturers at the Faculty of Economics Undiksha. Respondents from this study were 28 female lecturers who were married. The method used is the distribution of questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The results of the data tabulation were analyzed by the ANOVA method using SPSS version 17 for windows. The results of the analysis showed that the conflict of family work affected the stress of female lecturers at the Faculty of Economics Undiksha. The results of the moderation analysis found that social support provided to female lecturers, both low social support and high social support, was able to reduce the stress experienced by female lecturers at the Faculty of Economics UndikshaReferensi
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