Student Perceptions Regarding Feminism In Tanjungpura University Faculty of Social and Political Sciences student
student, perception, feminismAbstract
The purpose of this research is to find out how students view feminism and whether there are still students who believe that women must obey the rules of social construction. In the past, gender inequality became a culture in society, giving birth to patriarchy. With this movement, many women feel the positive influence of feminism in their lives. In the past, women still had to show their existence to achieve an equal position with men in public service. Unlike today, where women can achieve different positions in various fields thanks to feminism, women today only need to increase their self-esteem. However, sometimes there are thoughts in society that have a negative impact on feminism, especially for those who do not understand the concept of feminism. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The analysis uses an interactive approach which includes data reduction, data presentation and inference validation. The results of this study based on what has been done, it can be concluded that the students interviewed understood the concept of feminism even though they did not study feminism academically.
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