
  • Stuti N.N.W. English Education Department, Ganesha University of Education
  • Ramendra D. P. English Education Department, Ganesha University of Education
  • Utami I.A.M.I



Jargons, Balinese Dance, Word Formation Process


This study aimed to know the form of jargons used by Balinese Dancer of female at Sanggar Seni Manik Uttara, to know the meaning of each jargons used by Balinese Dancer of female at Sanggar Seni Manik Uttara, and to know the function of Jargons used by Balinese Dancer of female at Sanggar Seni Manik Uttara. This study was designed by descriptive qualitative in which Sanggar Seni Manik Uttara chosen as the setting of the study. The main instrument of this study was the researcher itself which supported by the recorder, camera, interview guide and observation to collect the data. This study was supported by two subjects, the Instructor and student of Balinese Dancer who gave the researcher explanation about the meaning of the form of jargons used by Balinese Dancer of Female at Sanggar Seni Manik Uttara. From the explanation of the Instructor and student of Balinese Dancer, there are found 41 jargons which consists of 17 compounding, 2 reduplications, and10 Affixations of word formation process, then there are 10 nouns and 2 verbs of word classes. Those jargons were used to make the communication among the Balinese Dancer easier. Moreover, it can build the solidarity of each team when talk about the Balinese Dance.


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How to Cite

N.N.W., S., D. P., R., & I.A.M.I, U. (2019). THE JARGONS USED BY BALINESE DANCER OF FEMALE AT SANGGAR SENI MANIK UTTARA. International Journal of Language and Literature, 3(2), 44–55.


