Formulation and Analysis of Alcohol Content in Pineapple Infused Arak Bali with Gas Chromatography
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Formulation of Arak Bali, Pineapple Infused Arak Bali, Alchohol ContentAbstrak
Gastronomic drinks are one of the local cultures that have an important role in the development of the tourism world, one of which is Arak Bali. Various products of Arak Bali infused began to be developed to enrich the flavor. One of the potential ingredients to increase scent and flavor is pineapple. This study was conducted to determine the most popular formulation and the alcohol content of Pineapple Infused Arak Bali as a new safe gastronomic drink in accordance with government regulations. The type of research used True experimental with Posttest Only Control Group Design. The sample used was pineapple infused Arak Bali that was formulated into 5 concentration variations. Furthermore, the alcohol content analysis was carried out using Gas Chromatography method. Sample F4 was selected based on organoleptic tests from 30 panelists as the most popular formula. Analysis of alcohol content showed that both samples were negative for methanol while the ethanol content in FD (34.22%) was classified as group C liquor and FU (18.08%) was classified as group B in accordance with government regulations.
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