Phytochemical Profile and Bioactive Compounds of Pineapple Infused Arak Bali
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Bioactive compounds, Phytochemical profile, Pineapple Infused Arak BaliAbstrak
Along with the development of the tourism industry, local culture has become valuable as a product and activity to attract tourists. The development of the Arak Bali formulation as a gastronomic drink was carried out by using pineapple as an infusion ingredient to produce Pineapple Infused Arak Bali. This type of research is a true experimental with a Post-test Only Control Group Design. The sample in this study was Pineapple Infused Arak Bali with FU and FD formulas. The purpose of this research was to determine the phytochemical profile and the concentration of bioactive compounds of the sample of Pineapple Infused Arak Bali. The determining of the phytochemical profile was carried out by qualitative tests while the quantitative analysis of bioactive compounds such as tannins, total phenols, and flavonoids was carried out by using the Folin-Denis, Folin-Ciocalteu, and AlCl3 methods by visible spectrophotometry. The results showed that Pineapple Infused Arak Bali contains phytochemical compounds, such as alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, phenols, and terpenoids. The quantitative analysis results showed that the Pineapple Infused Arak Bali had tannin, total phenol, and flavonoid level of 52.9545, 42.005, and 6.8995 mg/100g. The results showed that the use of pineapple in the formulation of Pineapple Infused Arak Bali was able to increase the types of phytochemical compounds and the bioactive compounds levels compared to the original formulation, Arak Bali.
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