Penerimaan Diri dengan Orientasi Masa Depan Pada Penyandang Tuna Netra di Panti Pelayanan Sosial Disabilitas Sensorik Netra (PPSDSN) Penganthi Temanggung
Penerimaan Diri, Orientasi Masa Depan, Penyandang Tuna netraAbstract
Abstract : Blind people experience various challenges in everyday life both with their personal and environmental so to have a future orientation requires self-acceptance. The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between self-acceptance and future orientation in blind people in the Netra Sensory Disability Social Services (PPSDSN) Penganthi Temanggung. The study used quantitative methods with correlational design with 55 participants, taken with saturated sampling techniques. The self-acceptance variabel measurement instrument uses the Self-Acceptance Scale for Persons with Early Blindness scales of Morgado, Campana, and Tavares and the future orientation scale of the scale compiled by the researcher based on aspects proposed by Seginer. The results showed a significant positive relationship between self-acceptance and future orientation in visually impaired people in PPSDSN Penganthi Temanggung with r = 0.225 with sig = 0.049 (p <0.05) which means the better the self-acceptance of the individual, the better the future orientation and vice versa.
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