Efforts to Prevent Stunting Through Fun Cooking Activities in Kindergarten Group A


  • Riza Umami Universitas Jember, Jember, Indonesia
  • Senny Weyara Dienda Saputri Universitas Jember, Jember, Indonesia
  • Reski Yulina Widiastuti Universitas Jember, Jember, Indonesia




Stunting, Fun Cooking, Local Food Ingredients


Efforts to prevent stunting are generally implemented through activities such as integrated health posts (posyandu), exclusive breastfeeding, improving environmental capacity, economic stability, community welfare, and healthcare. This study aims to analyze the validity, effectiveness, and practicality of fun cooking activities as a stunting prevention effort for Group A kindergarten children. The research adopts a development approach using the ADDIE model. Data analysis techniques include validity testing, effectiveness testing, and practicality testing. The results indicate that children’s understanding of healthy and nutritious food remains limited. The fun cooking activity conducted over two sessions provides a solution to introduce healthy eating habits to children. On the first day, children were introduced to local food ingredients along with their nutritional content and benefits, while on the second day, they were guided in processing these local ingredients. The activities were designed based on two indicators of stunting prevention: encouraging children to prefer local food ingredients and reducing their consumption of unhealthy food. The development results demonstrated a very high level of validity based on expert evaluations, making the activity highly feasible for implementation. In terms of effectiveness and practicality, the fun cooking activities were rated as highly effective and practical by educators and parents. These findings suggest that fun cooking can serve as an innovative educational method to support stunting prevention efforts in early childhood education.



How to Cite

Umami, R., Saputri, S. W. D. ., & Widiastuti, R. Y. (2024). Efforts to Prevent Stunting Through Fun Cooking Activities in Kindergarten Group A. Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Undiksha, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.23887/paud.v12i2.76216