
  • Anggita Rizky Yuliandri Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
  • Lucy Fridayati Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
  • Wirnelis Syarif Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
  • Ezi Anggraini Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia



Galamai, Galamai manufacturing procces, galamai function in custom events


The background of this study is that there are differences in the materials for making Galamai nagari Salayo with other regions, and there is no reading source about making Galamai in nagari Salayo, with the existence of reading sources about making Galamai in nagari Salayo can be a source of reading for teenagers of nagari Salayo so that they increase knowledge about how to make Galamai as traditional food for future generations.

The type of research used in this study is descriptive qualitative. With observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The number of informants taken was 9 informants. Three bundo kanduang nagari Salayo, four people from the surrounding community and two mothers who are experts in making Galamai at weddings and know about the function of Galamai as traditional food in nagari Salayo, Kubung District, Solok Regency. Data was obtained directly from informants by observation, interviews and documentation to Nagari Salayo, Kubung District, Solok Regency. Description of data through the validity of data with the process of testing validity, reliability and objectivity. Data is analyzed with data reduction, display and verification conclusions.

The result of this research is that the ingredients in making Galamai in Salayo nagari are rice flour, cane sugar and coconut milk. There are three types of equipment used in making Galamai, namely preparation equipment, manufacturing equipment and serving equipment. Making Galamai in Salayo nagari goes through three stages, namely, the preparation process, the manufacturing process and the serving process. The function of Galamai in traditional events as one of the manta dishes panjapuikan (proposing), paisicawan, bararak (wedding parade).


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