Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengembangan kebaya longtorso dengan teknik bordir. Penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development dengan metode ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penilaian instrumen pengembangan kebaya longtorso dengan teknik bordir. Instrumen ini diuji oleh dua ahli isi, yang dihitung dengan rumus Greogory, sehingga validitas instrumen diperoleh sebesar 1. Instrumen ini berkategori sangat tinggi sehingga dapat digunakan untuk uji produk. Penelitian ini memperoleh hasil pada setiap langkah ADDIE, diantaranya (a) Analysis, menganalisis desain, bahan, bentuk, warna dengan teliti sehingga rancangan yang dibuat dapat diterapkan pada tahap berikutnya. (b) Desain dibuat sesuai dengan model kebaya longtorso yang dikembangkan. (c) Development/ pengembangan longtorso yang dijadikan model kebaya tanpa menghilangkan pakem kebaya itu sendiri. (d) Implementation, hasil penilaian produk mendapatkan nilai rerata 96,97% dari paha ahli produk. (e) Evaluation pada setiap tahapan pengembangan kebaya longtorso.Kata Kunci : Pengembangan Kebaya, Longtorso, Teknik Bordir
The purpose of this study was to determine the development of kebaya longtorso with embroidery techniques. Research or Development research using the ADDIE method (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). This study uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative research methods. The method of data collection is done by assessing the instrument for developing kebaya longtorso with embroidery techniques. This instrument was tested by two content experts, calculated by Greogory formula, so that the validity of the instrument was obtained by 1. This instrument is categorized very high so that it can be used for product testing. This research obtained results in each ADDIE step, including (a) Analysis, analyzing the design, material, shape, color carefully so that the design made can be applied in the next stage. (b) The design is made in according to the kebaya longtorso model developed. (c) Development of a longtorso that is used as a model kebaya without losing the standard of the kebaya itself. (d) Implementation, the product assessment results get an average value of 96,97% of the product thigh expert. (e) Evaluation at each stage of development of kebaya longtorso.
keyword : Kebaya development, Longtorso, embroidery techniques

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