Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi objek wisata alam di Desa Lemukih dan melakukan suatu pengembangan paket wisata alam di Desa Lemukih, Kecamatan Sawan, Kabupaten Buleleng. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan tiga metode yaitu metode wawancara, observasi dan diskusi, untuk pengambilan sampel menggunakan “Snowball Sampling” karena dalam metode ini responden atau informan tidak di tentukan sebelumnya, selain informan kunci. Informan kunci dalam penelitian ini yaitu Kepala Desa dan Ketua POKDARWIS. Banyaknya responden atau informan pada kelengkapan informasi penelitian ini adalah tujuh orang informan. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu (1) Potensi Objek Wisata alam di Desa Lemukih memiliki 6 air terjun, selain itu Desa Lemukih juga mempunyai Air Prosotan (Water Slide), pemandangan sawah (Rice Field) dan Sumber Air Panas yang sangat di sakralkan sehingga masyarakat setempat tidak ingin mempublikasikan kemasyarakat lainnya. (2) Pengembangan paket wisata alam yang telah dibuat peneliti dalam penelitian ini dua paket wisata alam yang terdiri dari package trakking I dan package trakking II. Aktifitas dari package trakking I yaitu pertama wisatawan belajar menari dan megambelan bali, kedua belajar memasak masakan bali (Baliness Food Cooking Class), ketiga menanam padi, keempat mengunjungi pemandangan sawah (Rice Field), kelima memandikan sapi dan, yang keenam bermain air prosotan (Water Slide). Aktifitas dari package trakking II yaitu pertama mengunjungi pemandangan sawah (Rice Field), kedua bermain air prosotan (Water Slide), ketiga mengunjungi Air Terjun Gerombong, dan yang keempat mengunjungi Air Terjun Fiji.Kata Kunci : Objek Wisata, Paket Wisata, Potensi Wisata, dan Wisata Alam.
The aimed of this research were to know the potential of the nature of tourist destination in Lemukih Village and developed the nature of tourist destination package at Lemukih Village, Sawan District, Buleleng Regency. In this research, the researcher used three kinds of methods, such as interview guide, observation, and discussion, in taking the sample using “Snowball Sampling” because in this method the respondents and informants were not specified previously, except the main informants. The main informants in this research are the Head of the Village and the Head of POKDARWIS. The researcher found 7 informants to complete the information of this research. The results of this study were (1) The potential of the nature of tourist destination in Lemukih Village had 6 kinds of waterfall. Besides that, Lemukih Village also had view of rice field and source of sacred hot spring that native people won’t publish to other people. (2) The developed of the nature of tourist destination package that made by the researcher in this research divided into two, those are tracking package I and tracking package II. The activities in trackacking package I were dancing lesson and Balinese traditional music which called as gamelan firstly, second one was Balinese cooking lesson, third one was rice planting, fourth one was visiting the view of rice terrace, fifth one was taking a bath of cow, and the last one was water sliding. Moreover, the activities in the tracking package II were visiting the view of rice terreace firstly, second one was water sliding, third one was visiting Gerombong Waterfall, and the last one was visiting Fiji Waterfall.
keyword : Tourist Destination, Tour Packet, Tourist Potential, and Nature Destination.
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