
  • Edruardo Juanunes Sembiring Politeknik Ilmu Pemasyarakatan
  • Irvan Sebastian Iskandar Politeknik Ilmu Pemasyarakatan

Kata Kunci:

Formation, Christian Chaplaincy, Correctional Institutions


Corrections have experienced a significant evolution from their initial function as places of detention to become institutions oriented towards the rehabilitation and social reintegration of prisoners. Even though the goals have begun to shift, the implementation of the coaching program still faces various challenges, including the interest and participation of prisoners. Religion, as one of the key aspects in this development, also faces similar problems. This study focuses on disparities in spiritual formation between Protestant and Catholic Christian inmates at the Class IIB Lubuk Pakam Penitentiary. While spiritual formation for Protestants was more routine and structured, Catholics felt a lack of service from the Catholic Church. This research highlights the need for a more inclusive and structured approach from the Catholic Church in assisting the rehabilitation and reintegration of Catholic Inmates. This research also shows that the presence and active role of the Church is important, not only as a transmitter of spiritual teachings, but also as a force that encourages positive change for individuals serving sentences.


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